So someone brought this topic up on my wedding month board and I thought Id bring it up here because I feel like doubts this time around are significantly related to the fact I dont want to end up down the same road as before.
I have found myself questioning a lot of things lately and am having a tough time differentiating whether they are over things I dont want to deal with for the rest of my life or if I am just blowing them out of proportion because I want things to be perfect this time around.
There is no doubt in my mind that this man loves me to death, and our situation is 100 times better than my last which was wrong in so many ways, however this one has its moments, nothing serious but theyre there.
I can level myself out when I remind myself that there is no perfect situation, however I tend to find myself circling back around, over and over.
When I went through my divorce I saw a therapist who showed me that I was very bad about ioring my gut feelings, which I realized was exactly true...this time around I cant tell if its gut feelings or incessent fear of failing at this go around
I guess Im just wondering if anyone has experience with this or if I am completely falling of my rocker. I question it so often that that Im thinking about going to see someone again to get my head straight