As I posted in the intros thread, this is my second wedding, but it's only the first one for FI.
Background: I first got married in 2006 when I was 20. Married for 2 years to the most controlling, demanding, pigheaded man who I let take away my sense of self and power. Divorced in 2008. Met FI in January 2009. Engaged almost 2 years later at Christmas 2010. Planning a June 2012 wedding.
When FI first proposed, I wanted us to plan a destination wedding where we ran off to Jamaica or somewhere and came back married. FI expressed repeatedly that he just could not do that and that he wanted the big, white wedding with all of his family and friends there. Although he's not really "into" the details, he just wants to have the experience--and that's his right!! So, I decided it was time to get excited about the big, white wedding.
Now, my parents paid beaucoup bucks for my first wedding. Obviously, they are not paying for this wedding.. FI and I will be paying for it ourselves. I just can't shake the feeling that I "wasted" the paid-for wedding on EX instead of waiting for the man who really IS so perfect for me. I also feel bad sometimes that all of these experiences (planning a wedding, buying a house, etc) are not new for me. I've done it all before. I try really hard to be super excited about the newness of it with this fantastic man, but the only thing I can really get excited about is just eventually being married to FI. FI reassures me that it's okay that we have to pay for it, and that it's like a bonus that I already know the ropes of planning a wedding and buying a house.. but I don't know.. I just don't see it I guess?
How do you deal with the shoulda-woulda-couldas? How do you get excited about it even though you kinda feel like 'been there, done that'?