Kai, so here goes a vent, whine, perhaps a concern... I don't know but ever since I became a blogger for It's a Bride's Life (I'm Miss Resilient Bride) and designers were changed on me, and the boutique I need to go to is two hours away - I lost my dress mojo... I'm supposed to call an make an appointment to try on 6 or possibly 7 dresses...but I would rather hunt for my bridesmaids dresses and drive them crazy... Is there something wrong with me? My FI is concerned that it's because I don't want to get married or have the big (well for us) fancy wedding, it's not that.
It's that I didn't like the abrupt change without notification the designer change was in my profile and NOTHING was mentioned to me until I wrote them an email about it and I was not consulted about the designer.
I wasn't going to grouse here about it - but no one in my family understands why this would bother me. They all think that I should be thrilled period. It just really took the wind out of my sails and I can't seem to get it back. I'm probably just being too sensitive about the whole thing and I just need to put my Nikes on and "Just Do It".
Thanks for letting me grouse... or whine... and yes I would like some cheese with that whine...