Hello! My name is Jenifer. I have two amazing kids, both under the age of 5. My FI has none, but has taken to the kids so well. They love him and it melts me just watching them interact and their bond grow and grow.
My FI has never been married before, I have been married twice. The first time was my big white wedding and was gorgeous. I just married too young and for the wrong reasons, and there was immaturity issues on both sides causing that to end. My second marriage was to my high school sweetheart who I had re-connected with, and he was majorly abusive. :-(
Both FI and I have a very similiar past of having horrible relationships with people who did not appreciate us and became very emotionally abusive... We still cannot get over how awesome our relationship is and how we actually TALK to each other about everything, even things that could make us upset and that are sensitive, but we listen to each other respectfully and talk it out. It's the most wonderful amazing feeling in the world to finally be with someone who respects me and loves me, and I love him immensley.
I have been above cloud 9 since I met him. We have a custom puzzle that says we are each others perfectly fitted puzzle piece.

So very much how we feel.
Anyway... I've been battling a lot of emotions. I'm super excited and want to have an amazing wedding with him and have that awesome memory of a beautiful day. I feel horrible though because I'm afraid most of my family will not come since this is my third wedding. I did not have anything really for my second, so it's not a case of inviting them a third time... I just so afriad of the judgement, given my track record.
But I can safely say I have been in counseling for nearly 3 years and know why I chose wrong in the past and am more than 100% positive that this third time is a charm. He is my most perfect match in every way.
And I'm working through guilt that the financial burden of a wedding is all on us since I "wasted" my parents help on the first. My FI could care less though, he just wants to marry me and he said you cannot judge a person by their past. He is amazing.
And then there are my parents... who feel I should never ever marry again. I'm afraid my father won't even walk me down the aisle!!!! Which goes into the pile of so much guilt and sadness that I may ruin my FI's wedding day because of my past mistakes. I'm hoping since our wedding is a good amount of time from now (almost 3 years)... my parents will see how totally amazing and different this relationship is than the others and they will end up being supportive of it.
I don't think my past should dictate me and FI getting married or having a low key wedding ... it's his first, and I want it to be special and amazing and something beautiful for us to always look back on. I'm just afraid of if I will be able to pull that off with my family being judgemental jerks. :-(
Anyone been through similiar?