Alright... I know all etiquette says "NO!! Family means invite, no ifs, buts, ors about it"
But... there is a good amount of my family that I do not talk to, and that plain do not like me and can be quite rude to me. And they are the type that like to gossip and cause drama.... so inviting them in hopes they decline, that will not happen... they will accept and come, and likely make snide remarks about me. In fact I won't even put it past them to start a divorce pool. *sighs* Yes, my family is... dysfunctional.
Same line... I know if I don't invite these people, it may cause WWIII in my family.
Part of me really really doesn't care. Like, part of breaking free from the cycle of abuse is to start really thinking, "what is going to make me happy?!" instead of the constant walking on eggshells to try to please others, as in not upsetting my grandparents or Mom by not inviting a big chunk of her family.
Yes, I realize this post is sort a double standard/oxy-moron because I'm here wondering/worrying about what to do, with the underlying, what will they think and how will they react if I don't invite them...
But I guess... what would you do? Honest opinions? Take the leap and just start cutting ties with annoying family members? Or, bite the bullet and invite the annoying ones and just smile at their antics on that big day?
(Note: FI and I are funding this whole thing ourselves, if that makes any difference of opinion. I know usually if you are the one footing the bill, you have more say in what goes... but not inviting family still seems a taboo subject.)