Second Weddings

POLL: Help what should I do?

Hi girls I am renewing my vows soon. We just had a ceremony for my wedding and missed out on all the things I actually wanted. So everything goes for me, but I am wondering if ppl would think I am crazy wearing a veil again.
Here's the pic of my dress but it will be in ivory.

the veil I like

the birdcage I like. It's the first one!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Kiss
Definition of WEDDING 1: a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities : nuptials 2: an act, process, or instance of joining in close association 3: a wedding anniversary or its celebration! Hence a 2nd wedding forum isn't JUST for ppl getting married again! Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: POLL: Help what should I do?

  • edited December 2011
    48 hours - not bad. 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:dacb27dc-621f-4f8f-a291-4ba6f2a43f00Post:b85c1c34-54a7-4349-b77d-ac66f11b357f">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]48 hours - not bad. 
    Posted by right1thistime[/QUOTE]

  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    It's like I'm psychic. 
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Wait--let's cut to the chase.  Ok, so it's a few months since you were legally married and you're sad that you didn't get the big throwdown.  I'm going out on a limb here and guess that the reason why you had a quick ceremony is NOT because your fiance (now husband) was deployed.   So, this board is frequented mostly by women who have lost a husband(s) through death or divorce.   

     Here's what this will lead to, so I'm going to cut to the chase even more.  You're right, we don't know you.

    Ok, ladies, what section of this did I miss?  
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Handfast - LOL Good one.... You called it... TK needs a vow renewal section so those ladies can all chit-chat among themselves. 

    Second Weddings isn't for vow renewals - it's for experienced brides to discuss their wedding plans (note: WEDDING not vow renewal). .

    OP:  We're sorry you didn't get your pretty princess day, but that doesn't make you any less married and the ceremony you had any less real.  Some here were married by a JOP or a private intimate ceremony because that is what they wanted.  So your wanting a do-over and asking for our support is well in bad taste.

    We're not bitter that you are married and will congratulate you on being so, we just don't get the why behind having a full blown wedding when you are renewing vows

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:dacb27dc-621f-4f8f-a291-4ba6f2a43f00Post:dba14820-5ba8-4baa-a6ec-1ae7b1197496">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's like I'm psychic. 
    Posted by handfast4me[/QUOTE]

    Can you pick lotto numbers, too??
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    Handfast:  throw out 6 numbers to us.......maybe they will come up,like the "lost" ticket recently.....LOL

    Ditto what PPs have said - this is a board for Second, or third, or fourth, weddings, not vow renewals. 

    Anyone want to volunterr to be the Mod for the Vow Renewal Board?  (Think there already is one, isn't there?)
  • edited December 2011
    There's a Vows board, but not a Vow Renewal board.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    TK needs a LOT of things.  The discrimination is blatant.  They have ALL kinds and types of boards, but they refuse to set them up for Pagan or Celtic brides--go onto some of the other boards  (customs & traditions and ceremony ideas are the other two I frequent) and you'll see how often questions are asked about either or both of those topics.  And TK has info for "Irish" brides, but it's actually mostly Scottish, not Irish.  You'd think they would have done some research, but no.

    Ok, if I give you 6 numbers, how am I gonna be the LONE winner of the lottery?  If any of you win using the following, I deserve at least part of the winnings. 

    These are random, off the top of my head:
    6  14  7  27  33   48
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    And for my next trick. . .      :-)
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    Handfast:  OK, the Powerball drawing is tonight - I will post a pic of me holding my winning ticket with your numbers on it.  I am in NC, so if I win I will send you a check LOL Money mouth
  • Brian'sbbgirlBrian'sbbgirl member
    edited December 2011

    LOL I have been happily married for 5 years. Please I insist, explain what you mean by 'experienced.'
    It sounds like you are all quite narrow minded and have narcissitic personalities. Seriously why are you guys on your second, third or even fourth marriage? Is it because of this personality trait. Think about... I really feel for your previous husbands.   

    Definition of WEDDING 1: a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities : nuptials 2: an act, process, or instance of joining in close association 3: a wedding anniversary or its celebration! Hence a 2nd wedding forum isn't JUST for ppl getting married again! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    ...and again, here comes the insults for being married more than once and the "I feel bad for your previous husbands" comment. My god handfast, you're amazing! lol

    Nobody here is being a narcissist dearie, except for you. Only a narcissist thinks that they're sooo important you DESERVE to get your pretty princess day, even though you're already married, because it's all about YOU. Also, the apparent belief that your family and friends have nothing better to do than to watch you marry the SAME GUY over and over, and watch you act like newlyweds again in a big over the top event, when you're already married.

    And again, in case you didn't notice, the ladies specifically stated that many people here are on their second or third marriage because they are WIDOWS, aka, their former spouse has died. Do you have any idea how awful and petty you sound, to come onto a forum that is SPECIFICALLY set aside for people who are remarrying, and insulting us for it? Save your money for your pretty princess "do-over wedding", and spend it on something more worthwhile, like a house or something, sheesh.
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Brian'sbb - by experienced I meant older and wiser, and more emotionally mature.  Some of the ladies that are here are getting remarried because their husband died. Some left abusive relationships because d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d is better than d-e-a-d.

    The only naracisstic personality being displayed here is yours with your big "wedding" vow renewal.  So before you slam people take a good look at what you are doing. Your vow renewal is to feed your ego because you are already married.

    Many of us have more than 5 years experience at marriage and so your snarky comments really don't belong here.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I AM psychic.  Ok Briansbb.  Here's what you do.  Go back up to the top of this thread.  Click on Second Weddings.  When all the posts come up, find the one that says "We haven't had one of these in a while" and read.

    Then come back here and call us bitter old hags.  Then say "you don't know me." 

    And then the circle of life will be complete.

    Oh, and for the future.  Your next stop is  The Nest, and TIP.  Then go to the Starting Over board.   Then, a few years after that, come back to Second Weddings. 

    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • awayagainawayagain member
    edited December 2011
    As for your original question, go with the  'Birdcage' veil - it will suit your 'birdbrain'
    Really, it's preposterous to do a wedding gown and veil for a vow renewal 5 years later - but post lots of pictures of your guests if you can - I'm sure the looks on their faces will be priceless.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    LOL Awayagain.  That's the best line I've read in a long time.

    But Brian'sbb, I see that you're posting a lot about which gown to choose, which veil to choose, etc.  If you can't even make these simple decisions about your clothing for a VOW RENEWAL, how is it you were able to choose such a terrific man for your marriage?  Wow.

    Ok, and I feel a delete coming on  in   4. . . 3. . . 2. . .
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:dacb27dc-621f-4f8f-a291-4ba6f2a43f00Post:b9472f3c-9679-40fc-9fea-d2cff15f5c2c">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]LOL I have been <strong>happily married for 5 years</strong>. Please I insist, explain what you mean by 'experienced.' It sounds like you are all quite narrow minded and have narcissitic personalities. Seriously why are you guys on your second, third or even fourth marriage? Is it because of this personality trait. Think about... I really feel for your previous husbands.   
    Posted by Brian'sbbgirl[/QUOTE]

    Wow...I go for a drive to the US and miss all the action on
    So I have a question then, how is it that you have been "happily married of five yrs" but in the first post you said that you "just had your ceremony"   how does that work? 5 yrs is more that "just"

    LMAO...nevermind  I figured it out...the hairdye has seeped in too much....what your saying is you only had a ceremony but not a reception.... what kept you from having one 5 yrs ago?
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Marrin and Alpha - Thanks for adding more humor to the situation!!

    Marrin to quote you about the previous husband she could feel mine as well - he's always been more or less available. (probably more....)

    Alpha been there didn't do that about wanting to kill the ex... I always thought of the mess... and that I would have to clean it up... divorce seemed easier... or at least less bloody.

    Oh to OP:  if you are doing a vow renewal at 5 come back in 10 and tell us how life is....
  • SharranMattSharranMatt member
    Knottie Warrior First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I knew you were good Handfast but dang you called it. Don't you hate when they have to start making up things just to not look as pathetic?
  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    <<<Don't mess with the old dogs;>>>  Ah, that's the part of your sig that I really love!

    OP - if you'd like to feel my previous husband, he is available ;)

    <<<Seriously why are you guys on your second, third or even fourth marriage?>>>  Because I live in Utah and I am allowed 2, 3, or 4 husbands/marriages if I want :p

    Seriously??? spare me, OP.  Don't for a minute think that this will nevah be you!

  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<<< Don't mess with the old dogs ; />>>  Ah, that's the part of your sig that I really love! OP - if you'd like to feel my previous husband, he is available ;) <<< Seriously why are you guys on your second, third or even fourth marriage ?>>>  Because I live in Utah and I am allowed 2, 3, or 4 husbands/marriages if I want :p Seriously??? spare me, OP.  Don't for a minute think that this will nevah be you!
    Posted by Marrin713[/QUOTE]

    You're my new favorite person. XD
  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Aw, thank you firey.......I've never been someone's fave person :)  Oh I take that back....... there is the new husband - I think he likes me.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:dacb27dc-621f-4f8f-a291-4ba6f2a43f00Post:dec0fab4-ea5c-4449-b8e1-83ac94bd4451">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<<< Don't mess with the old dogs ; />>>  Ah, that's the part of your sig that I really love! OP - if you'd like to feel my previous husband, he is available ;) <<< Seriously why are you guys on your second, third or even fourth marriage ?>>>  Because I live in Utah and I am allowed 2, 3, or 4 husbands/marriages if I want :p Seriously??? spare me, OP.  Don't for a minute think that this will nevah be you!
    Posted by Marrin713[/QUOTE]

    All I can say is this is Classic Marrin. Love it. Thanks again, for the belly laugh.

    When I went to the counseling for abusive relationships they asked me if I ever considered killing him.
     My answer:
    "Of course I have,  I plotted his death in every way imaginable, but I dont believe in killing people, so I decided to get a divorce instead" ....................
  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]LOL I have been happily married for 5 years.   
    Posted by Brian'sbbgirl[/QUOTE]I was previously happily married for at least 10 years.  I still ended up divorced after 20 years, for reasons beyond my control.  I suggest that you not tempt fate.
  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Alpha - I remember an interview with the author Sue Grafton (A is for Alibi, B is for ???).  Anyway reporter asked her about the plots and how she thinks them up.  She said early on when she began writing, she was in a bad marriage or relationship (can't remember which) and she used to stay up nights plotting his death and trying to figure out the best ways of doing it and not getting caught.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:dacb27dc-621f-4f8f-a291-4ba6f2a43f00Post:6e20d9c0-ae9a-4a17-93cc-c4d9e0ac8213">Re: POLL: Help what should I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alpha - I remember an interview with the author Sue Grafton (A is for Alibi, B is for ???).  Anyway reporter asked her about the plots and how she thinks them up.  She said early on when she began writing, she was in a bad marriage or relationship (can't remember which) and she used to stay up nights plotting his death and trying to figure out the best ways of doing it and not getting caught.
    Posted by Marrin713[/QUOTE]

    Marrin, I can relate!!
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    yeah, I knew it was the time to divorce my first husband when I could actually picture myself picking up the knife that was laying on the counter and cutting his heart out with it.  For real.  

    I can relate. 

    Remember, a friend will bail you out of jail.  A GOOD friend will help you hide the body. 
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I was thinking icicle.....the murder weapon would just melt.
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Huh...  I was thinking of substituting my xH's high blood pressure pills for placebos... (I took care of setting out the meds and vitamins for the week and he had no idea what he was taking)  LALALALA  >:-}

    But d-i-v-o-r-c-e ended up taking place in lieu of his demise (although in the aftermath with all the haranguing and harassing, property damage and slurring  -death actually has a certain appeal to it)
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