Moms and Maids

Thank You Cards from MOH for Bridal Shower

I am the maid of honor for my friends wedding and her bridal shower is next week. Her matron of honor and I are finishing up the gift/favor bags which have fun little treats inside for the guests to take home. I bought some small blank cards that I want to put in to the favor bags to thank the guests for coming. How should I word the thank yous?

Re: Thank You Cards from MOH for Bridal Shower

  • It's not your job to write thank yous. The bride will do that and thank them for the gifts they bring as well. Just make sure you have a notebook to write down the guests and gifts for her at the shower.
  • Like the others said, leave that for the bride.  If you want to attach a small tag to the favors that says "Thank you for coming," that would be okay.  But there is no need to write a full thank-you on your part.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thank You Cards from MOH for Bridal Shower</a>:
    [QUOTE]Like the others said, leave that for the bride.  If you want to attach a small tag to the favors that says "Thank you for coming," that would be okay.  But there is no need to write a full thank-you on your part.
    Posted by mcskatcat[/QUOTE]

    <div>That was my intention the whole time. The other ladies that replied misunderstood what I meant. I have very small note cards that I am putting in to the gift bags and my first thought was to write "thank you for coming" inside, but I was hoping to come up with a cute saying or poem. Like I said, these aren't full blown "thank you's"... just a brief message for the ladies to find when they get home with the favors.</div>
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