Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Brazilian Virgin...

I've never had any waxing done before but I think it would be really nice for me (and him) to get this done for the wedding. What are the do's and dont's before going? If the wedding is May 4th, when should I make an appointment? and most important, what the hell should I expect haha? I know this is a private matter... But if you have any personal experience to share, no matter how personal, I won't be offended...I just want to be prepared! Thanks in advance!

Re: Brazilian Virgin...

  • There's actually a bit of a convo on NEY regarding Brazillians

    It starts about halfway down the first page.
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  • I agree with stage to go now. Not everyone reacts the same way. I get one every month. My..I dunno...waxist?...had me buy this thing called Plum Smooth. It's like a roll-on deodorant but you roll it on a few days before and a few days after and it helps prevent ingrown hairs. 

    It's definitely not a fun experience but I think it's worth it. Even when the hair grows back it's much softer. It feels less coarse and hairy after a month than it did after 5 days when I was shaving. Good luck!!
  • I did my first Brazilian (I guess--I went completely bare) the Wednesday before my Saturday wedding. I had no complications but I found the whole thing very unpleasant and would never do it again. I didn't know to take Ibuprofen 20 minutes before but that is what everyone suggests. I have also heard sugar waxing is less painful. I went in with about 2 weeks of growth. The thing that bummed me out was I had stubble before the end of my 9 day honeymoon. My advice is go to a reputable salon--you don't want to go someplace called In-N-Out Brazillian.
  • I used to get brazillians regularly. Honestly, I find them painless. Hardwax is definitely better than strip wax, in my opinion. Make sure the place does NOT double dip. Personally, I have to go the day before if I want to be hairless because it grows back within a week for me. That said, I don't usually even get red. My best friend once bruised everywhere she was waxed. 

    I recently started laser hair removal, and I cannot recommend that enough. I've only had 2 treatments, and my hair is about 50%. It's pricey, but I got a great deal on bloomspot. 
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  • It is extremely, extremely important to go to a reputable salon and even look into the specific aesthetician who will be doing the waxing. I used to get it done monthly and I tried several different places in NYC (including one that is supposed to be the best one here) with very mixed results. I have been going to the same person for years now and she is great, but I've had lots of bad experiences from the waxer missing spots to getting burned with wax! You should definitely go for a test drive as soon as you can and I recommend doing it 2-3 days before the wedding to make sure any redness is gone.
  • I agree with going now to see how you react. My first few times were totally fine. Not entirely comfortable but not the worst experience in the world. My last one was awful just because my skin is way more sensitive. But that's pregnancy for you. It really depends on your hormones and skin sensitivity. Before I was pregnant, it took almost two weeks for me or H to notice any stubble and it didn't sting or hurt immediately after. Once I was pregnant, it stung for two days and stubble was there in 3 or 4 days. I've also heard about ibuprofen before, but he couple of times I took it, it was about an hour before my appointment.
  • Everyone has given you some great advice! I'm an esthetician so I see nervous first time waxers everyday. Find a reputable salon now and go there for some simple waxing. Maybe brows, underarms etc. Look for someone there that you really click with and feel comfortable getting naked in front of. Honestly, we don't care who is naked on our table but it really helps if the client feels secure with us. Use hard wax and not strip wax. It hurts less and the irritation will be minimal. Different places use different wax so again, find a place that uses quality wax. Start your brazilians at least 4 months before your wedding. That way you will get used to the process and the recovery time will be quicker. Like pp said, the first time you may have some bleeding and bumps but the irritation should lessen each time. Take ibuprofen before and after for pain relief. There also some numbing creams you can buy to help with the pain. Honestly, the pain is not that bad if you visit an experienced waxer. When you make your appointment, ask for the esthetician who either is the most experienced or who is booked most often with wax clients. Hope this helps!!!
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