Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Penny in Shoe

I heard of one tradition/superstition about putting a penny in your shoe on your wedding day.  I would like to do this but my shoes are open toed.  So would i be able to tape/hot glue the penny to the bottom of my shoe...or I was planning on using ribbons around my ankles and was thinking of putting the penny in a small cloth bag to tie to that.  What do you think?

Re: Penny in Shoe

  • My sister used some band-aids to attach the coin into the footbed of the shoe (under the arch I think), on the iside.  She used a sixpence that her MIL gave her (she wore on her wedding day)....never head of a penny though, but the same thing should work.
  • Man, the effort-to-impact-ratio is way in favor of skipping it.  That's what I'd do.
  • tape the sixpence to the inside of the arch of your shoe
  • It actually part of the somethig old, something blue line.  I would just  skip the six pence.  I don't get it's purpose and nor superstitions. 
  • I've only heard of this tradition for New Years Eve.  I've done it every year and I'm never struggling any less financially haha.  This year on NYE I skipped it.
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  • I would skip it, but that's just me. I'm not very superstitious.
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  • I would tape it to the inside of your shoe. Play around and see where it feels the most comfortable. 
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  • I've only heard of this once and it was a wedding in the early 90s.  Skip it.
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  • I'm planning on doing a penny in my shoe, mine are also open toes so I'm hoping I can just tape the sucker in there lol
  • Wearing a penny in your shoe is a very old tradition and I wore one in my shoe as well.  I didn't wear it b/c of superstition though, I wore it b/c all of the women in my family back to my grandmother have carried this same penny with them on their wedding day.  This also includes my mom, 2 aunts and a list of cousins so for me, it was more of a family tradition and since I am the baby, I got to keep the penny to share with my daughter one day. 

    I also had open toed shoes, so we used double stick tape and well, taped that sucker right to my boob!  Hey, at least it was close to my heart, right?  Now, removing it later that night wasn't too much fun though, lol.


  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:36Discussion:007da8b4-1e4b-4eb4-9621-8a60c31bb08aPost:9d6e4409-df64-4983-9bc4-c91722abf08e">Re: Penny in Shoe</a>:
    [QUOTE]It actually part of the somethig old, something blue line.  I would just  skip the six pence.  I don't get it's purpose and nor superstitions. 
    Posted by ginadog[/QUOTE]

    Something old to remember where you came from <div>Something new to build your life together</div><div>Something borrowed to remind that you have friends if ever you have need</div><div>Something blue for true to your self and to each other</div><div>And a six pence for your shoe.   Because you can have family, each other, friends and fidelity but that won't pay the rent and money troubles can torment any new partnership.  </div><div>
    </div><div>At the time of that little poem, the sixpence was typically the first month's rent on a cottage.   </div>
  • First time I've ever heard of the sixpence, so obviously I didn't do it, lol.
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  • I bought a sixpence on etsy and am planning on taping on the
  • I wore a sixpence in my...bra. It kept slipping around inside my shoe, so I figured having it there would be good enough. I also had a handkerchief in my cleavage, because I'm klassy like that.
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  • This is an tradition in my family as well.  I made a little lace bag, with a tiny bow in the wedding colors, to hold the penny for my DIL when she and my son married and I will be making one for my daughter as well. It was small enought to fit right under the ball of her foot and she only wore it to walk down the isle. Afterwards I put it in a shadowbox frame with a nice background and this rhyme:

    This lucky keepsake penny, tied with a ribbon and a bowhas a very special purpose that every bride should know.  For on the day most special along with something “old and new”a bride is meant to have a lucky penny in her shoe.  It’s said to bring good fortune for the life that lies ahead

    and becomes a special keepsake of the day that she was wed.

    You can also buy these online. Don't remember where I saw it.

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