Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Unity Candle / Unity Sand Service?

Is this required?  We are having a regular ceremony, nothing religiously specific, so is it required to have a Unity Candle or the Unity Sand?  Because I really don't want to do that part :/

Re: Unity Candle / Unity Sand Service?

  • Unity candles are not mandatory unless you're in certain churches, so you should be fine without one. :)

    Kelly G. - Austin, TX
  • No they are not. We arent doing them either.

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  • I am not familiar with this being a requirement at all.  Vows will do it.
  • no, neither are required.  My Aunt has a candle from when her and her hubby got married, its a tall piller with the numbers a few cm apart going from 1-50, she lit this candle on her wedding day with her hubby and lights it every year on their wedding anniversary.  I think something like this is sweet and we are going to do it but again it is not madatory or required.  In a church it would be more appropriate for the candles and an outdor ceremony for unity sand.  But it all just depends on your style and preferance to have both or neither or one
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