Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Getting Married on the up swing

Does anyone still get married on the up swing??? I posted this on my months board and they had no clue what I was talking about... 

Our plans are to start the ceremony at 3:33 not only to get married on the up swing but because the day is 3/3/12(1+2=3) 
are we the only ones doing this or know why we are doing it at the half hour?

Re: Getting Married on the up swing

  • Most weddings do, whether the couple realize that or not. If you look at most invitations you'll see they are 3:30 or 4:30 or 6:30, etc and nt at 3, 4, or 6.

    Most people probably set their time for a ":30 but don't realize the tradition behind it.
  • never heard of it. Interesting. Where did the tradition start?
  • Sarah, I don't know where it started but the idea is that when the ceremony ends the minute hand is pointed to heaven.
  • I heard this was an old Chinese tradition.  Once I heard it though, it made sense to me.  It is supposed to bring you good luck if you get married on the up-swing.  I am planning my wedding to start at 5:30, instead of the original 5 because of this...hope it doesn't make me crazy! 
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    I've never heard of this! Our wedding will be at 3:00, but will still end almost on the hour because it's a Catholic wedding. So I guess I'm still okay :)
  • Nope, we actually are looking at 3:45 ceremony start or 4:00 ceremony start. (Tentative on the contract we signed, we are allowed to alter it as needed, and more than likely it'll run late haha.)
  • cschuma2cschuma2 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited April 2011

    Our ceremony started on the half hour, but that is only because of how our timeline worked.  It had nothing to do with the superstition, as we find this silly.  I would get married on Friday the 13th.  I would walk under ladders the entire way up the aisle.  DH and I did see each other before the ceremony.  I did not have a something blue or a something borrowed.

    I personally wouldn't rearrange my plans to get married on the half hour unless you really are superstitious and follow all things such as this.

    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Getting Married on the up swing</a>:
    [QUOTE]Our ceremony was at 2pm, so no upswing for us.  We're both theatre folk, and 2pm is the standard start time for a matinee performance, so when we were looking for a start time that would put the reception at a non-meal time, it was just the natural choice.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    <div>I heart you.</div><div>
    </div><div>We got married at 4:30, but not because of the upswing.  I wanted a 6:30 start because it was supposed to be a candelight ceremony. However, the church had a clause that Saturday weddings at to start by 4 in order for people to be out in time for the custodians to clean up for Sunday services (reception was also at the church).  We convinced them to do 4:30, figuring it would be dark enough at 4:30 in December.</div>
  • Lucy, must be ;-)

    I figure we got royally screwed.  We planned for the upswing (not on purpose, just the way it worked out) but then there was a big accident on the freeway between our wedding and the majority of our guests, so most of our guests were late.  We started about 20 minutes late due to that and ended on the :30 instead of starting on it.  Ack!  Oh well, it doesn't seem to have had any adverse affects.
  • Interesting tradition/superstition, but I've never heard of it.  Our wedding start time is 5:30, planned so that we start dinner @ 7:00.  We like dinner @ 7:00. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Getting Married on the up swing</a>:
    [QUOTE]Does anyone still get married on the up swing??? I posted this on my months board and they had no clue what I was talking about...  Our plans are to start the ceremony at 3:33 not only to get married on the up swing but because the day is 3/3/12(1+2=3)  are we the only ones doing this or know why we are doing it at the half hour?
    Posted by[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>We aren't doing this, but we do have the following wording on the invites, "...with a 3:35pm start time." This was FI's make it all baseball-like. :) I think your idea is a great idea too!</div>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker June 3, 2011!
  • I've never heard of this.  Actually, I really don't think we've ever been to a wedding that started at half past anything.  
  • PGrantPGrant member
    First Comment
    I've always heard this one.  Was told that it was the time it starts and not when it ends that matters because if you were married when the hands of the clock were pointed downwards it was a bad omen for the marriage.
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