My Matron of Honor likes to dabble in graphic design and, as a gift, she wanted to do our wedding invites. My mother was also interested in doing my invites (being even less skilled than my MOH in graphic design) but eventually conceded the task to my MOH. She worked on a sample for about a month and finally she sent me a sample which, I thought, with a few tweaks, could look very sleek, modern and stylish. When I showed my mom her design she said that it "didn't go" with my "wedding style" and that it was "ugly". She promptly sent me her design which, while pretty, I thought was just too busy. When I told my mom my feelings she played it off but I could tell she was hurt. How do I make this better? I mean, I would love to save the money on invites but if it is going to cause such drama I might as well just off and buy some myself. Thoughts?