Wedding Party

flower girl dresses

I'm looking for places to buy a flower girl dress. any suggestions of national chain stores that carry dresses for girls.  In particular, I'm looking for one for my niece who is 5 yrs old. I love online shopping, but for this I would prefer to go to the store so we can make sure it fits right and everything.  TIA
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Re: flower girl dresses

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    My niece (11 year old BM) wore an Easter dress from Target.  It was $25. 
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

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    I got a Christmas dress from target for $20
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: flower girl dresses</a>:
    [QUOTE]Try a department store. There are tons of holiday dresses out now. If you wait a few days they will probably be on super sale. I would avoid anything marketed as a flower girl dress, they are expensive for something that may get used once. If you have time you can also wait until spring when the easter and communion dresses are out.
    Posted by Liatris2010[/QUOTE]

    This.  I didn't get to go shopping with them and so I don't know what was spent, but my FG and her mom got a sweet dress at JC Penney's around Easter.  FG loved it, and I did, too! We added a sash as a finishing touch.
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    I think that a department store would be your best bet.  It's very possible to find affordable dresses for kids there.
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    We bought my niece's flower girl dress at JC Penney for I think around $30.
    Photobucket BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ditto department stores - we got our FG dresses at Kohl's.
    Married 5.6.11

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    Agree that staying away from anything marketed as "flower girl" or in a bridal boutique is the way to go. Those costs are completely unnecessary! For little girls, you can find completely adorable dresses for very little. Even just going to a sizable mall and checking out some kids' clothing stores would likely be fruitful (and possibly even less expensive than a department store). Depending on the timing of your wedding, and how much you anticipate the little girl will grown between now and then, hitting up post-Christmas sales will give you a great deal!

    Gap Kids always has adorable stuff and they tend to have great sales. H&M makes super adorable stuff for little girls! And it's totally cheap. Won't last a lifetime, but she only needs to wear it once, right?
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    If you're having more of a traditional wedding she might stick out like a soar thumb in it. Usually the couples have opt for the pink color flower girl dress. My suggestion is to pick the ultimate flower girl dress color and it would be the great choice for you.
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    thanks for the tips. I will definately be scouting out the department stores on monday to see what  I can find.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: flower girl dresses</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you're having more of a traditional wedding she might stick out like a soar thumb in it. Usually the couples have opt for the pink color flower girl dress. My suggestion is to pick the ultimate flower girl dress color and it would be the great choice for you.
    Posted by kevinth[/QUOTE]

    I've been reading some of your replies and you sound very much like a wedding planner.  And the link in your siggy?  It's against the ToS.  You can't advertise wedding planning apps.  Especially when they're probably yours.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:99c4d76b-5b75-4212-912f-62f432b1a2efPost:23382c86-4439-498c-8520-65d06f388afd">Re: flower girl dresses</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: flower girl dresses : I've been reading some of your replies and you sound very much like a wedding planner.  And the link in your siggy?  It's against the ToS.  You can't advertise wedding planning apps.  Especially when they're probably yours.
    Posted by Mrs.B6302007[/QUOTE]

    I was just thinking the same thing about the posts.... they are all worded very much like a wedding planner "the best choice for the couple I feel is..."
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