Wedding Party

No bridesmaids, lots of close friends...

Does anyone have ideas on how to make your close girlfriends stand out in your wedding. We are not having brindesmaids or groomsmen because we have too many people that we would have to choose from and it is a small wedding. I really want my girls to still feel special and stand out. How can I do that!?

Re: No bridesmaids, lots of close friends...

  • In Response to <a href="">No bridesmaids, lots of close friends...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Does anyone have ideas on how to make your close girlfriends stand out in your wedding. We are not having brindesmaids or groomsmen because we have too many people that we would have to choose from and it is a small wedding. I really want my girls to still feel special and stand out. How can I do that!?
    Posted by ac58039[/QUOTE]

    I know you mean well but this is not appropriate. It will be treating some guests as more "special" than others which is an etiquette no no.  If you want them to feel special then have them as BMs.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:a3901c2d-d8a2-4857-aab2-75a343d414f6Post:cdfd7e69-cb50-4230-bec0-85bd86184904">Re: No bridesmaids, lots of close friends...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to No bridesmaids, lots of close friends... : I know you mean well but this is not appropriate. It will be treating some guests as more "special" than others which is an etiquette no no.  If you want them to feel special then have them as BMs.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    I agree with Hoboken.  If you aren't having a wedding party, just skip doing something that will make them stand out.   Maybe write each of them a heartfelt, specific to them, letter or note.   Either have a wedding party, or don't.  If you don't, then they are attending as guests, just like everyone else. Singling out some guests will make the ones who aren't singled out feel crappy.
  • I agree with all PPs but would add that, depending on the number of girls you have, you could have some of them read something during your ceremony. That would give them a special honor without just picking out one guest as more "special" than the other.
  • I agree with PPs.  If you want to "honor" them, ask them to be BMs.
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