Hello all,
I have been googling ideas for what to title my "here comes the bride" sign holder in the wedding- but haven't been getting good results. Surely you can help!
"Sign holder" just sounds kinda cranky to me. hah.
ALL ideas and suggestions appreciated!
Re: Wedding Programs- what to call my "here comes the bride" sign holder?
[QUOTE]I have no idea what you're talking about. What is a 'here comes the bride' sign? Don't you think the guests will know you're the bride? Color me confused.
Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]
In some weddings additonal children can be incorporated by walking down the aisle with a "here comes the bride sign" my cousin will be walking with another cousin who will ring a bell as he walks down. Here are some googled pictures....
<a href="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/12/0/4c5acf08-02eb-4c42-b057-89d8344b3203.large.jpg" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"><img src="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/12/0/4c5acf08-02eb-4c42-b057-89d8344b3203.medium.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/9/7/699f7e8d-eea9-40ff-b70d-2e04e5a8502f.large.jpg" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"><img src="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/9/7/699f7e8d-eea9-40ff-b70d-2e04e5a8502f.medium.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/13/10/9d62929d-870e-4eaa-9a08-97179a68bcd8.large.jpg" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"><img src="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/images/store/13/10/9d62929d-870e-4eaa-9a08-97179a68bcd8.medium.jpg" alt="" /></a>
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Wedding Programs- what to call my "here comes the bride" sign holder? : I guess most people are just used to the idea of a ring bearer. We didn't have one, not because we thought it was silly, but because we didn't have anyone to do it. We did have two flower girls, which I guess is equally as unnecessary, but at least it's common. <strong>Not that it being common is a solid response to your question, but It's all I've got. </strong> I don't know. There are so many silly traditions with weddings that adding yet another one just seems pointless to me.<strong> And it's unnecessary AWing the brides march down the aisle. Everyone's already going to be standing and looking at her.</strong> I don't think the sign/bell ringing/yelling is that necessary or that cute. But considering my response to this and the photographer thread on E, I might be in a bah humbug kind of mood tonight.
Posted by andrea2473[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>I get what you're saying. I personally would not do it, as I already asked my cousin to be a RB, but I guess I'm less judgey about sign holding because, as I said, it's not that different to me when you break it down. But as for the bell ringing/yelling, I don't care for that as much as just a kid holding a sign. The bell would be annoying and probably not go with the processional song, and I will always say no to kids yelling anything. </div><div>
</div><div>Now I am totally in agreement that too many people worry and try to come up with all these silly roles to make people included. Guest is just fine, but at least this isn't a sucky job like a guest book attendant or greeter, that is unless you do in fact consider RB/FG roles to be jobs more than honors or just otherwise pointless. Perhaps the OP was doing this sign holder business in lieu of a RB? That's what the pics above look like anyway. I'd say that if she has a page and no RB, then maybe she was just looking to do something different/new/unique? Or maybe she didn't want a RB because they don't acutally carry the real rings? Just speculating here. Idk. OP, come back!
Let me know which you decide...maybe we can create a standard title for these new roles in weddings.
n Response to Re: Wedding Programs- what to call my "here comes the bride" sign holder?:
[QUOTE]Mine are going to be called "Banner Attendants" I am a firm believer in doing what makes you happy. " What is right isn't always popular, and what is popular isn't always right." - Albert Einstein Do what you love, and those who don't like it can deal with it.
Posted by Stellarsheller[/QUOTE]
It is entitled to expect everyone to agree with you, let alone give ideas about how to execute what someone may believe is not a good idea. We are allowed to disagree with the OP's idea and even to say so.
We also treat each other like adults. We do not say to each other, "OP asked for X, not your opinion," because by the very act of posting, one does indeed ask for our opinion.
And practice what you preach. If you don't want others telling you how to post, don't do it yourself.
While they are children and you don't have to be rude about it. just because they WANT to do something, doesn't mean they should or can. Begging to be in a wedding (where you really didn't want to have all of them) and then just bending over and saying "Well, OK, because you WANT to do XYZ I will go ahead and let you" is just teaching them that they can and will always get their way about stuff. There is absolutely no reason you had to have them all in your wedding, and this is in no way a good defense for OP including kids in hers as banner attendants or whatever.
Kids need to learn from an early age that they can't always do everything they want to or go everywhere they want to. They won't be traumatized forever, but instead, grow up maybe not so entitled. (I'm not saying the kids in your wedding are, but that it's actions like this that can lead to a sense of entitlement). If you truly wanted all those kids in the wedding, great. But it sounds like you didn't and just rolled over and let them have their way. Would you do that if your adult friends were all bargaining to be in the WP too? Same thing.