Hey ladies! How are all of you doing?!
I've been very very anxious about starting to plan, so I've actually started. I just wanted to share my checks with you all. Feel free to comment with any of your checks as well!
So far, I've:
Picked our date, as most of you already know. (August 9, 2014)
Picked our colors! (Aqua and Red. It matches our birthstones!)
Picked out our flowers. (Red carnations for Bridesmaids and centerpieces, White carnations for my bouquet.)
Attended a Bridal Extravaganza and got SO much info. A lot of ladies on other forums here will tell you that they are boring, a waste of time, worthless, etc., but I loved it. I found it extremely helpful, and I got some good deals.
Researched through the hundereds of wedding venues in our city, and narrowed our list down to 13 venues for us to go tour and get a live view of the place.
I know 13 may seem like a lot, but for me, it's a really huge progress that was made. I'm a hugely indecisive person, and I actually found myself saying "No" a lot while I was searching through the venues. I'm sure once we actually go look at places, I'll be able to say it to other places. Or at least, I hope I will. I've got a back up plan if I can't. Haha.
Well ladies, those are my checks for the time being. It's not a lot, but for my wedding being just shy of 2 years from now, I think it's great progress.
Re: Check update!