African American Weddings


Italy,I am coming to you as a woman and sista-friend so please do not take offense to the following but in light of what has transpired from your post titled "I FELT JUDGED" I kindly ask that you double delete this post immediately.This post has caused alot of discord and hurt feelings (for you, Stackeye210, Babygurl, and probably others who are "lurking") that was brought to our board and that is something I do not condone from anyone regardless of age, sex, race, sexual preference or religion.Everyone has made their comment regarding the topic and what was and was not said and what was and was not implied has been stated and understood.Our board was created for African American women to feel free to come and express their wedding planning processes and to also discuss various topics of interest in a respectable manner for ALL to be welcomed to also communicate about.If you could please comply with my humble request within minutes of reading this post, it would be so greatly appreciated and welcomed.Respectfully yours,AlfDallas21**romeys_bride** -- if the post referenced about is not deleted by close of business today, could you please handle my request as MODERATOR of our board? TIA!


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