African American Weddings

mom leaving day after wedding..

So my mom calls to tell me that the morning after my wedding she is moving to Ga with her FI and said she will have to cut out from the recpetion early to make sure everything is packed and ready to hit the road. Im like im happy for you but you couldnt wait til I came back from my said you would keep my kids while we are gone ? I might be wrong but I think she is being selfish. She says well since he'll be here for the wedding we have to get on the road cause he has to go back to work . So im like once again you just forgot you was supposed to keep my kids ?

Maybe im being selfish but I dont let too many ppl watch my kids and the ppl who do watch them all work. I wont have anybody to get my son to school or the baby to daycare. So now FI is like well maybe we can go on a HM later. He says maybe your mom will let them come to GA in the summer and we can go so irritated about this yall !
imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana

Re: mom leaving day after wedding..

  • She is MOVING the day after your wedding. Moving out of state is going to be alot of work. I'm concerned not only that she is leaving your reception early and not able to watch the kids for HM, but leading up to the wedding she is going to be trying to pack and get her things in order. Not sure how much she will be involved with the wedding. Ok I'm not gonna call mama selfish because...well it's not my mama and I don't want you to hit me big sis LOL Buuuttt I would be begging mama to please consider pushing her move date until a few weeks after the wedding. That trip down 75 is a breeze. Her man can come back for her LOL

    Hope you find a remedy ((HUGS))
  • Did u hint or remind her maybe she forgot with all the moving. I understand u 100% I never let anyone watch my kids but my mom from the time they were born up until I got hurt in Iraq now they stay wit there dad...But maybe it just slipped her mind i'm sure she didn't forget
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: mom leaving day after wedding..</a>:
    [QUOTE]She is MOVING the day after your wedding. Moving out of state is going to be alot of work. I'm concerned not only that she is leaving your reception early and not able to watch the kids for HM, but leading up to the wedding she is going to be trying to pack and get her things in order. Not sure how much she will be involved with the wedding. Ok I'm not gonna call mama selfish because...well it's not my mama and I don't want you to hit me big sis LOL Buuuttt I would be begging mama to please consider pushing her move date until a few weeks after the wedding. That trip down 75 is a breeze. Her man can come back for her LOL Hope you find a remedy ((HUGS))
    Posted by MrsBoss2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes girl..leaving at like 6am. Reception is over at she wants to leave around 8 so they can go back to her place check everything and take naps so they can be up by 430am. Said she is going to be having my cousin, sister's hubby and 2 other ppl pack up a POD on Friday which is day of rehearsal and said she might not be at the rehearsal. I asked like you just can't wait til the following Sunday to go. I said who will watch my boys ? She said thats something you have to figure out yourself. Said because he already but in to be off for the wedding with this being a new job he won't be able to get more time off. Im like whatever. </div><div>
    </div><div>FI is like we can go HM later. He is really tryna reason with me. But this is supposed to be about Me and FI. With her leaving from the reception  at around 8 we will just be done with dinner and the festivities will be just beginning. sighing. </div><div>
    </div><div>This just reassures me that It will just me, Hubby (then ) and kids . </div>
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • I see your point and honestly I think I would feel some kinda way about it if it were my mother. Moving isn't exactly a one day thing, especially a move out of state. Does this also mean that she won't be able to help you in the weeks and days leading up to the wedding?? It's a safe bet that the move is going to be keeping her pretty busy.  Try gently reminding her that you really need your mommy to be there for you on this one. After all, her baby is getting married!!

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  • ((hugs)) I wish I could help you somehow. I know it must be hard to deal with the fact that she seems like finding somewhere for her grandkids to go is your issue and not hers. That hurts. I am really sorry. 
  • Yall...i am really havin a hard time dealing with this. Then FI comes home from work all sad face but trying to be consoling. He like babe we will get to go on our HM dont worry we have 8 months to get it together wekk have a babysitter. Im like they need to be able to get my oldest back and fourth to school..and the baby from and to dc..idk yall..he said maybe we can do 3 nights and 4 days in stead of 4nights/5 days. Well see..thanks girls !
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • Awww mama...I'm so sorry to hear this ((((hugs)))). I will be praying that everything works out for you. I know this must be hard for you. I promise it will all work out. You never know...if you do have to wait, just remember God's timing and planning is all in this. You WILL have your honeymoon...this I trust and believe and it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Love you sissie!

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  • I'm so sorry you're going through this.  I don't think you're being selfish at all, the timing just seems completely off.  It just seems wiered that they would plan this move the weekend of your wedding and 8 months in advance.  Hopefully, something will work out and you and H will be able to go on your honeymoon as planned.  If it does get pushed back, it won't be the worst thing in the world.  H and I went 3 months later and we were just as excited! I hope everything works in your favor :)
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