So my mom calls to tell me that the morning after my wedding she is moving to Ga with her FI and said she will have to cut out from the recpetion early to make sure everything is packed and ready to hit the road. Im like im happy for you but you couldnt wait til I came back from my said you would keep my kids while we are gone ? I might be wrong but I think she is being selfish. She says well since he'll be here for the wedding we have to get on the road cause he has to go back to work . So im like once again you just forgot you was supposed to keep my kids ?
Maybe im being selfish but I dont let too many ppl watch my kids and the ppl who do watch them all work. I wont have anybody to get my son to school or the baby to daycare. So now FI is like well maybe we can go on a HM later. He says maybe your mom will let them come to GA in the summer and we can go so irritated about this yall !

May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana