One of my old college friends is getting married shortly. When she had gotten engaged, she talked about how I was one of the few friends she was going to invite. Than, for some reason I still do not understand, she got mad at me (and a bunch of other people) and stopped talking to me. Anyways, because of that, I understood that she would not be inviting me. Hurts, but it is what it is. I have recently found out though that the 'other people' have been invited. I'm pretty upset over this, for I stood up for her to these people when they complained about her and walked behind her back. And she knew this.
Basically, I would not have been as upset if they were also not invited. I didn't even knew that they still talked. Maybe I have been reading to many E posts on how a verbal invite = real invite.
Also, I have portal 2 (yay!), but I have to go to work. I really just want to play it.
threw my back out over the weekend and had to lay at home yesterday. i am hobbling around work today because i feel too guilty about missing work to go home (irrational feeling, i know). bah.
I am tired of people exclaiming to me, "you know your wedding is the same weekend as the royal wedding, right?" My standard response is, "no, I had no idea. I have been living under a rock for the past 8 months" Or, when people asked me if I chose my date because of the royal wedding. I tell them, "why yes. When we chose this date in August 2009, we knew it was going to be super special, and every royalty could not help but get married on the same weekend."
To tell the truth, we were bummed when we found out Boston Comic Con is the same weekend as our wedding!
My life feels like it's one thing after another lately. My car broke down and cost 500 dollars to fix and I've been worried sick about my friend's four year old who just had a giant tumor removed and she's not quite out of the woods. I've been kind of sicky and yesterday, about 17 hours into my day, running on four hours of sleep I shut and locked my finger in the car door. I have manual locks, have my dominant hand shut in the door and my lock is really finicky. My mom finally realized what was going on because my brain couldn't get me to talk and reached through the car to open it. I bled aaaall over the place. I didn't go to work this morning because I'm a baker and I need my hands and the pain is intense. My supervisor gave me hell for it. I hate this week.
we sent out our STD's and wedding website info and have been getting really nice feedback... excpet for one of FI's crazy cousins who emailed me to specifically request that i not address her the way i did on the STD. i like when both the man and woman's name of a married couple are both represented, so that is the way we labeled them. she wrote to tell me the "proper" way to address her was to only use her hubby's name, ie Mr. and Mrs. John Wackadoo. I was like, huh? Who cares??! I've only met you once, we don't even want to invite you and you just HAD to send this email to me, a virtual stranger? really? whatevs... thanks, vent over.
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Re: Tell it like it is Tuesday
Basically, I would not have been as upset if they were also not invited. I didn't even knew that they still talked. Maybe I have been reading to many E posts on how a verbal invite = real invite.
Also, I have portal 2 (yay!), but I have to go to work.
I am tired of people exclaiming to me, "you know your wedding is the same weekend as the royal wedding, right?" My standard response is, "no, I had no idea. I have been living under a rock for the past 8 months" Or, when people asked me if I chose my date because of the royal wedding. I tell them, "why yes. When we chose this date in August 2009, we knew it was going to be super special, and every royalty could not help but get married on the same weekend."
To tell the truth, we were bummed when we found out Boston Comic Con is the same weekend as our wedding!
Offbeat Siggy: Tattoos!!
~The Music Themed Wedding~Planning Bio
And Mrs Wackadoo is nuts! Most of us "modern" women enjoy having our own identity. I may become a Mrs....BUT I will be Mrs. Cora
It is snowing here today too, but it isn't sticking - thank goodness!
Mrs. G.*