Offbeat Weddings

AW: Today is a success. (wow, longer than I thought)

So I had ordered and put $150 deposit on a dress I'd found in a small botique back in New Mexico and I was happy with it because my parents were crying and my sister was crying so I felt like, duh, I must buy this dress! It was a great price. 

Then everyone started saying how it looked pretty, just like my cousin so and so's. And like her sisters too! And then the comparisons started. And I was hurt, because let's face it I'm sometimes that shallow, and I've always wanted my wedding dress to be well...uncomparable.

So last night I bit the bullet, told my FI I hated how ppl were comparing it to my other cousins dresses and how I was upset by it blah blah sounding like a bridezilla because I want an awesome dress. He told me to let that $100 go and just go buy a new dress if I was that unhappy. So...I did! I'd been eyeing this dress that TK has on it's site for months so I found a place here that sells the designer, went in, saw they had the dress, tried it on and it looked...well, I cried. lol So I'm getting this dress now and I am the happiest person alive. 

THEN on the way home I got a call from the ppl I interviewed with last weekend and I got the job!!! So, excitedly, we decided to rent movies and while at Blockbuster, which we never go to since we do the netflix thing, we found Luigi and princess daisy figurines. Exactly what I wanted for our cake topper and haven't been able to find anywhere because lets face it, who sells princess daisy stuff?? (gamestop, game-over, this other game-product based store here in town, wal-mart etc didn't have any figurines like it, not even mario/peach options) and there it was...AT BLOCKBUSTER. wtf? YAY! 

Today was good. :-D

Re: AW: Today is a success. (wow, longer than I thought)

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