Gay Weddings

Instead of a Unity Candle?

My partner and I are working on the plan for our ceremony, and we want to do something LIKE a unity candle lighting, but we're looking for something more unique to signify our union.  Any ideas?

Re: Instead of a Unity Candle?

  • edited December 2011
    there are sand cermony I have seen done and they are really nice. I am sure you can find more online.
  • edited December 2011
    How about three puzzle pieces? Two pieces with the couples' names and the center piece says like "and" or something. just a thought.....
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  • edited December 2011
    I love the sand ceremony, which can be translated to water, wine, or anything else pour-able (and you can drink the water or wine together, to signify that the two glass made one, which is part of both of you) The puzzle piece idea is adorable, too!!

  • equinedreamerequinedreamer member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    A neat Japanese tradition of SanSanKudo which translates to three three nine, is where the sake, a rice wine (you could substitute a non-alcoholic drink) is poured into three special cups of different sizes. Using the smallest of the cups, one partner takes three sips. Then the other partner does the same. They repeat this with the medium and large cups for a total of nine sips. At the end of the sake ceremony, both families drink a cup of sake, which represents the union of the bride and groom and unification of the two families. Drinking the wine is a sign that the marriage vows are sealed. You could do this to further the idea of two becoming one and bring the family together or you could just do it with the two of you.
  • edited December 2011
    How about two colors of sand you can each pour one into a vase.
  • edited December 2011

    Sand is a good option, I have also seen roses exchanged. I was thinking about water, but the nice thing about sand is that each color stays the same color and the two sands intertwine (symbolic of marriage) where water (or any liquid) when mixed together lose their identity. I liked feeling like we are still individuals that are now 'mixed' together.

  • edited December 2011
    We are doing a wine box ceremony.  You can look it up online instead of me giving you all the dteails here ( , but we think it's really romantic, plus we both love good wine, so it means something to us on another level as well.
  • MaereMaere member
    edited December 2011
    The sand ceremony is super cool. You can customise the vase the colors.... just so many more cool options and you getta keep it forever.
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  • wacweb98wacweb98 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    This may be a little late, but we are going to have a wine ceremony.  Each of us will pour wine from a separate carafe into a single glass.   Our officiant has included a nice description of its symbolism in the ceremony, as wine represents both the bitter and sweet of a marriage. 
  • deb84deb84 member
    edited December 2011
    I love the wine box idea! We were going to do a sand ceremony but I think I am going to run this idea past my fiance! Thank you for sharing!
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