Hi Everyone,
So, although our wedding is about 18 months away, I can't seem to help myself from planning out details and thinking about the day (I am sure it's the same for all brides).
We are having our wedding on a Friday and having both the ceremony and reception at the same place (Palais Royale). Since it is a Friday, we decided to have our ceremony around 6pm to ensure that everyone can make it and have a cocktail hour after the ceremony, then go right into the reception.
As a result, I had planned on having most or all photos taken before the ceremony. I was mentioning this to some other people, and they looked at me like I had three heads. This of course means, that my FI and I will see each other before the ceremony. Am I ruining "the moment"? I can't really see how this would work out any other way scheduling wise. I figure what is important is the first time that we see each other that day, and make sure it's photographed. What are your thoughts on this?