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50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?

So, this is just something that I have been struggliing with in my mind and heart for a while now.
I really want to read 50 shades of gray, but I know that its really pornographic and that I shouldn't give into the temptation of reading about sex and sexual fantasies.
So, what are your thoughts on 50 shades?

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Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?

  • edited June 2012
    I haven't read it but have heard about it. Almost all of my coworkers have read it and love it.

    I'm personally not going to read it just because I find that sort of thing disgusting. I worked at a video store for all of two days. I had never seen porn before and did a total of 1 transaction that included porn and I then quit that job. I find it gross.

    So with that and religious reasons, I will not be reading/watching it.

    My mother always taught me that I take Jesus with me everywhere I go and everything I do. Though I've failed at that many a time, I wouldn't want Jesus reading 50 shades...
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read it but have heard about it....I'm personally not going to read it just because I find that sort of thing disgusting. 
    Posted by SugarFoote[/QUOTE]<div>This.  Lusting after anyone except your <em>spouse </em>is adultery, according to Christ's words in Matthew 5:28, so I don't even want to be near that temptation.</div><div>
    </div><div>That...and I pretty much only read Christian historical fiction, like Francine Rivers's books.</div><div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That...and I pretty much only read Christian historical fiction, like Francine Rivers's books.
    Posted by fpaemp2011[/QUOTE]

    Redeeming Love? That is my all time favorite (aside from Gone With The Wind)! Have you read any of Lori Wick's?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books? : Redeeming Love? That is my all time favorite (aside from Gone With The Wind)! Have you read any of Lori Wick's?
    Posted by SugarFoote[/QUOTE]
    I actually have not read Redeeming Love, yet, but I love her Mark of the Lion series.<div>
  • I personally will not read them. Not only do I find what few descriptions of the content I've found disgusting, I hear that they are incredibly poorly written. Also, I think it's really disturbing that so many women love the books because of the sexually domineering nature of the relationship between the main characters; that's not the way relationships are supposed to be, and I don't like that women are reading this and hanging on every single word.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books? : I actually have not read Redeeming Love, yet, but I love her Mark of the Lion series.
    Posted by fpaemp2011[/QUOTE]

    Its good. Its a 1800's twist on the story of Hosea (God tells him to marry a hooker incase anyone didn't know). I'll be honest, I cried my eyes out. The beginning is not for the faint of heart though.  But it has such a great meaning to it in the end. I would recommend it :)
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I personally will not read them. Not only do I find what few descriptions of the content I've found disgusting, I hear that they are incredibly poorly written. Also, I think it's really disturbing that so many women love the books because of the sexually domineering nature of the relationship between the main characters; that's not the way relationships are supposed to be, and I don't like that women are reading this and hanging on every single word.
    Posted by agape1cor813[/QUOTE]

    I agree with you one several ideas you brought up.
    Sexual domineering is wrong in my mind. I also don't think that woman should be this into it.
    I kind of would like to know how many Christian women are reading it.

    Also, I agree with the adultery topic. Which is why I will not give in! I used to read books like this, but not nearly as graphic as I think 50 shades is.
    I guess the temptation is coming from my month's FB page. Everyone is reading it and then supposedly taking their lustful feelings out on their H's. I still don't find that appropriate or biblical. It's been a struggle, but I won't do it. ( I can't afford to buy a book right now regardless. Thank goodness the library is free!)

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  • It's badly written because it was originally a fanfiction... I wouldn't read it as, because of certain issues I've dealt with, I try and stay clear of things with sexual content in them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE] I kind of would like to know how many Christian women are reading it....I guess the temptation is coming from my month's FB page. Everyone is reading it and then supposedly taking their lustful feelings out on their H's. I still don't find that appropriate or biblical.
    Posted by peachykeen26[/QUOTE]<div>It's shocking how many women in a Pastors Wives group I'm in are reading it, and not just for research.  And I'm of the opinion that "lustful feelings" <img src="" border="0" alt="Undecided" title="Undecided" /> or whatever should come from your relationship with your husband, not something you read in a book or watched in a movie/on a tv show.</div><div>
  • I'll try reading just about any genre at least once.  But not anything like 50 Shades.  That's just way too far out of my comfort zone.

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  • I mentioned in my ask me anything post that this was my least favorite book and I haven't even read it. For one, I'm not comfortable with reading about other people having sex. Nora Roberts is too steamy for me sometimes so I don't think I could handle pages and pages of sex. And also? The writing is terrible.
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  • I have heard its awfully written several times now.
    And Nora Roberts does get steamy, but I have a feeling it's not nearly as descriptive as 50 shades.

    I view Nora Roberts as one of those movies where sex is implied but you don't actually watch it. It shows them kissing then the camera lifts up towards the window next to the bed to show the sunset or moon.
    50 shades I feel is like a full pn porno. And, that's just pollution to your mind!

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  • edited June 2012
    As an avid reader and book-lover, I severely dislike the very existence or mention of these pieces of poorly-written pornography.
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  • Not only will I not read them for the graphic content but I especially won't read them since they're so crappily written.

    Pray about it and go from there. 

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  • I had heard that it was really vulgar and I do not like vulgar things (I won't even watch R-rated movies anymore!), so I am not going to read it. I have a friend who is a Christian and she started reading it but stopped partway through and said she just couldn't read any more. Besides her, everyone I've talked to that has read it LOVED it. When I told a girl I heard it was bad, she said "You just have to get past the first book. The other 2 are great." Other people have told me that "the sexual part of it is just a part of the book. There is way more to the plot than that." I think that most or all of these people are Christians in belief but I'm not sure if they have a relationship with Jesus or not. It's good to hear you girls all say you won't read it, though, because I thought I was the only one, haha. But yeah, I definitely won't be reading that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have heard its awfully written several times now. And Nora Roberts does get steamy, but I have a feeling it's not nearly as descriptive as 50 shades. I view Nora Roberts as one of those movies where sex is implied but you don't actually watch it. It shows them kissing then the camera lifts up towards the window next to the bed to show the sunset or moon. 50 shades I feel is like a full pn porno. And, that's just pollution to your mind!
    Posted by peachykeen26[/QUOTE]

    <div>Exactly. I don't even like how steamy NR gets... ;)</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:21dc021f-66c8-499e-a2e6-aecd4977c526Post:8e8bec73-6601-4431-83f7-ddeb2ac8a029">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have heard its awfully written several times now. And<strong> Nora Roberts does get steamy</strong>, but I have a feeling it's not nearly as descriptive as 50 shades. I view Nora Roberts as one of those movies where sex is implied but you don't actually watch it. It shows them kissing then the camera lifts up towards the window next to the bed to show the sunset or moon. 50 shades I feel is like a full pn porno. And, that's just pollution to your mind!
    Posted by peachykeen26[/QUOTE]

    Nora Roberts is about as steamy as I can handle.  They were a last resort when I went on vacation, finish reading what I brought, and had to start borrowing other people's books.  I don't have the problem anymore now that I have a nook. :)
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  • I've never read the books, and I don't intend to. I think that everyone needs to do what's right for them. If you feel convicted, don't read them. Or if you know that you struggle with lust or pornography, don't read it.
  • I'm sure its super vulgar from what I've heard.... I will stay away from it ... Although thinking about it dont we wacth movies etc that have sex in them ?? but if it's THAT bad how can they make a movie about it ? Wont that have too much and make it like almost rated X if it's THaT bad ...

    That's wrong that people are going after their hubbys after reading a book ... Geez and  people took soap operas off the air ... And even soaps have toned down what they show etc...

    I'm thinking of Harry Potter ... I like Harry Potter.. my FI dosnt because of the obvious reasons ... So biblially speaking it's a personal choice /if it dosnt temp you or whatever then it's ok ?? But my FI always says even if it dosnt temp you or phase your thinking you are still reading it and putting it into your brain ....
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 50 Shades... Thoughts about the books?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm sure its super vulgar from what I've heard.... I will stay away from it ... Although thinking about it dont we wacth movies etc that have sex in them ??
    Posted by GunzNRoses213[/QUOTE]<div>DH and I actually try to avoid those.  We've been checking out www.<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> before we see a movie since we started dating.  If we feel the content will be inappropriate, we won't watch it.

  • yeah we do that kinda as well we passed on seeing Rock of Ages for that reason even though i LOVE musicals...
    Love is All You Need
  • I had someone read one part to me and I wasn't super happy she did (It was in a group situation of women).  Really it was poorly written and quite pornographic.  I would never read them and I think it is sad so many women use them to fullfil their lust.

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  • I'm really glad you all mentioned the websites. FI and I will have to start using it so we don't waste our money when we go to the theaters and then walk out of it halfway due to language/scenes.

    I don't really understand why they have to make movies that have so much strong language in them anyways. I mean, I'm sure it would be just as good if not better if they left all that crap out. I don't mind it if we see a movie that has "implied sex" in it. That doesn't bother me. But when there is nudity/sex going on, FI and I are out.
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  • I won't read it.  Honestly, it doesn't really interest me and I cringe at the thought of reading poor writing.  And I think the subject is really tacky.
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