

Ok, I'm trying not to be annoyed....I got a call today from my FI's sister and found out she's pregnant with her 5th kid. She's one of my BM's but I'm ok with it because she's due in Feb and our wedding is in July...but that's not my issue. She also told me that my FI's SIL is pregnant too and overheard her saying she's glad she's pregnant because it will take some of the spotlight off our wedding! It's so frustrating to hear something like that. I know his SIL was upset when his parents said this was our year...but get over it. I'm not the type to be the center of attention and would never try to "steal" the spotlight from their pregnancies. I hate the high school drama. 
Plus on top of that another BM told me her and her husband are going to try getting pregnant starting in the next month or so. I'm happy for them but I don't want to have a BM nine months pregnant on my wedding day. It's not because of looks or anything like that, but we're getting married in July and I don't want her super uncomfortable in the heat and with all of the standing. This is probably stupid to be upset about...but UGH!!!!


  • Koolkay83Koolkay83 member
    edited December 2011
    Your are not being stupid ranting about it. I think for FI SIL is being a damn child telling everyone that she is supposed to be focused on at the wedding. Its your day and tell her straight up of how you feel.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • melissa82melissa82 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    First, I don't think it's realistic to expect people to put their lives on hold for your wedding. No one ever knows how long it may take them to conceive, if they're even able to. So it's a little premature to worry about your other BM who is not even pregnant yet. If she does end up being 9 months pregnant, she may not feel comfortable enough to be in it (or may not even be able to come!). Cross that bridge when you come to it...she's a friend first, not just a BM.

    As for your SIL--it sucks if she said that, but remember this is coming from someone else. Her words could have been twisted or she could have said it in jest. (You know her personality, of course, and whether that's something she'd say.) Let it roll of your back in any case!
  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Ditto Melissa, but I'm so glad I haven't had any of this family or friend drama that so many of you are dealing with.  I don't understand all the jealousy and crazy issues.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    Ditto Melissa

  • edited December 2011
    Ditto Melissa, especially for FI's SIL part. 

    But I will say that you are perfectly justified in ranting and feeling the way you do.  I doesn't sound to me like you're expecting people to put their lives on hold, but more that you're just disappointed.  At one point it was quite possible that my sister (my MOH) would have been due to give birth around the same time as the wedding.  Of course I would have been happy for her but at the same time disappointed that she may not have been able to travel for the bachelorette party my friends and I had envisioned, that I may miss the birth because I was on my honeymoon, or that she may go into labor the night of the rehearsal or day of the wedding and not be able to be there (or have family members pulled in both directions over where to be). 

    Feeling disappointed by the situation is perfectly warranted.  You may be stressed already with wedding stuff and when the situation changes from what you expect it to be it can create additional stress.  Just hang in there and wait and see what happens.  If it's something you have to make changes in order to accomodate (dress style, etc.) cross that bridge when you come to it.   
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