Christian Weddings

Hooray its Wednesday!!!

What are your plans for the rest of the week and weekend?



Re: Hooray its Wednesday!!!

  • FaithCaitlinFaithCaitlin member
    5000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    WR: Organize my questions for when I go meet with my venue. The poor woman is probably going to hate me by the time our wedding rolls around. I just have so many questions! haha.

    NWR: I'm getting together with a lot of friends this week! A friend from college, a Knottie from the SoFla board (we're going to go see the new Bridesmaids movie!), etc. I've had this week off from school so I plan to do nothing until I go back on Monday!

    Monica-- I know I already said it, but have a great day with Martin!! YAY!

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  • SoonToBeGenaoSoonToBeGenao member
    edited December 2011
    FI and I have been seeking a new "home church" since we had a problem with ours. But we have finally found a great one. Since I work every other weekend 7am-3pm I can't make service on Sunday every other week. But this weekend I look forward to attending our first Saturday evening service and starting to meet people and get involved. :) Hopefully I can get into a women or children's ministry soon.
    There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do... I love you Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • edited December 2011
    FaithCaitlin - my vendors probably hate me too because of all my questions. lol. 
    and thank you!!! i am just sooo excited to see martin! hehe. 

    soontobegenao - have fun at church!!!! i will pray for lots of friends of opportunity!

    Today, of course, i am picking up Martin from the airport! i cannot wait! so i will just hang out with him and his family. I have the next two days off so i am very glad about that. I think we are going to go out to dinner tomorrow or the next day to celebrate his graduation and my birthday together! (: 
    Saturday i work in the morning and then we are meeting with our wedding planner so that Martin can meet her and start on the planning ( i have been planning since January...but he hasn't seen or done anything!) lol. Sunday i work in the morning..which makes me sad because i really wanted to go to church with FI...but oh well. gotta make that money. lol
  • edited December 2011
    Monica Im so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) lol

    NWR doesnt exsist this week so I'll skip it lol

    Today Im finishing little details and getting all of my clothes washed and packed. The lady doing my alterations is bringing my veil tonight! (we had alot of issues come up and she amazingly got everything to work great!) Tomorrow we're doing most of my decorating and then celebrating my sisters (MOH) birthday! FI is coming tomorrow night so Im really excited to see him!!!! Friday is the rehersal and bachelorette party! (We're just making shirts and going to see the bridesmaid movie and then just hanging out) AND SATURDAY IS THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe its here!!
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Hooray its Wednesday!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Monica Im so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) lol NWR doesnt exsist this week so I'll skip it lol Today Im finishing little details and getting all of my clothes washed and packed. The lady doing my alterations is bringing my veil tonight! (we had alot of issues come up and she amazingly got everything to work great!) Tomorrow we're doing most of my decorating and then celebrating my sisters (MOH) birthday! FI is coming tomorrow night so Im really excited to see him!!!! Friday is the rehersal and bachelorette party! (We're just making shirts and going to see the bridesmaid movie and then just hanging out) <font class="Apple-style-span" color="#ff00ff"><strong>AND SATURDAY IS THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe its here!!</strong></font>
    Posted by FutureMrsBarron2011[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>i am sooooo stinking excited for you!!! wow! its gonna be all worth it! i cant wait to be saying those words!

  • kitkat610kitkat610 member
    edited December 2011
    I am unpacking the last few boxes while FI is at work this week, and running errands WR and NWR.
    We finally got his tux fitted, and got all of the accessories for it last night!
    My To Do:
    - Pick up bowties for groomsman
    - Find reasonably priced pocket square for FI
    - Get my new car registered and AZ drivers license
    - Mail invitations that were returned

    This weekend we are going to Houston (home for him) for a lot of reasons. First on Friday, we have his semi-annual MRI and neurosurgeon appointment. Then, I have my final dress fitting. All before our family friend is throwing us a dinner party.
    Then, Saturday is my FSIL's bridal shower (they are getting married 1 month after us).
    Praying that there is good news on Friday so we  can enjoy the rest of the weekend with our family. I am so scared of what the next steps are if the tumor is back now that we are so far from the doctors.
  • edited December 2011

    I don't have anyting WR going on. Just waiting to get a quote back from a potential florist we meet with a couple weeks ago.

    NWR: Work, work and more work. Not much going on for me.

    @future, hope you have an amazing rest of the week leading up to your big day!
    @kitkat, prayers going out to your FI and you as you meet with the doctors.

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  • kitkat610kitkat610 member
    edited December 2011
    @future - how exciting!! I hope everything goes smoothly this week!
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks everyone :)
    Photobucket My perfect dress! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I get to see Fi this Friday and the saturday my FMIL is throwing a shower for me.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    WR- (but not related to my wedding) attending my cousin's wedding 8 hours away. I REALLY REALLY want to make it

    NWR- still recovering from my gallbladder surgery. I'm doing much better today!!
  • edited December 2011
    @drama, I am so glad to hear you are recovery well!

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  • iamjoesgurliamjoesgurl member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I don't think we have weekend plans.  I was away for the last two weekends so I definitely need to clean the house.  I'd like to build a raised bed garden on Saturday if I can figure out how to do it.  I've never had a garden here since there isn't a ton of room and the ground is all clay, but having a raised bed would work and I'll keep it fairly small.  Maybe two tomato plants, two pepper plants and a few other things.
  • SoonToBeGenaoSoonToBeGenao member
    edited December 2011
    @ FutureMrsBarron YAY!!!! Enjoy every moment of it! So exciting :)
    There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do... I love you Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • edited December 2011
    Faith- I am jealous you are hanging out with a knottie haha. I would love to hang out with my knottie friends. The problem is, this is the only board I go on anymore and none of you live near me   :(    Anyone making a trip to Pittsburgh soon? 

    Futuremrsbarron- Yayyy!!! Have so much fun and enjoy EVERY moment! 

    For me.. WR:
    Saturday is my hair trial to decide how the girl will be doing my hair for the big day!
    Sunday after church my mom and I are going to my 2nd dress fitting! 
    Also, our invitations were sent out on Monday, so I hope to get at least a couple RSVP cards back this weekend. I know most people wait until the last minute, but maybe my mom or FMIL will respond quickly!

    FI and I are getting our pictures taken for the church directory Friday night (we missed our original appointment.. uh oh

  • azdancer8azdancer8 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm going into work for a few hours tomorrow to catch up on filing. I'm not technically scheduled, but I still get paid for it, so yay! On Friday I'll see what I can come up with for our church website. I told the pastor I would take over it for him, so maybe I'll play with formatting a bit. :)

    Also we're putting together a multi-family yard sale this weekend - weather permitting. It''s raining today (thank GOODNESS, our fire danger is so high right now), so we'll have to see if it clears up by Friday.

    Last weekend was crazy busy, so I'm looking forward to things being a bit calmer these next few days.
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