I would appreciate your thoughts on my situation, from a Christian perspective...
My boyfriend and I have been seriously dating for a year and a half. We've been talking marriage for the past year. He's 20 and I'm 23. In the recent months, we've discussed weddings and at first, we said it might be good to wait two years to get married, but then after contemplation, the idea of next year came up. Either way, here's my dilemma. We're both Christians and purity is important to us. A little more so for me, than for him though. In the past few months we've been really struggling with our physical boundaries and while we talk about not being as sexual, nothing really changes.
So here's my question... In your opinion, is it better for a young couple like us to ignore and/or work out issues like school, lack of stable jobs, etc., and get married as soon as possible to avoid making mistakes sexually, or is it smarter to wait a year or two and hope for the best, or deal with whatever mistakes might occur? My family and friends thinks he is too young to get married, and we certainly have our issues that have to be worked out, but I know that dating for even a year is going to be risky for us.
Thoughts? Suggestions?