I started reading the book "Crazy Love" as suggested a while ago on this board. The first few chapters are establishing the idea that nothing is about us and that it is all about God; our time on earth is so insignificant that our sole purpose here is to glorify God in all that we do. So I've been thinking of this more than usual, that God is not here for us, rather we are here for Him. I was at church tonight and singing along and then across the screen...there was a typo in the song lyrics. Being a teacher, I nit-picked and then realized I was distracted by this typo in the song lyrics. I look back at what they typo had been and started thinking about what the lyric SAID rather than the missing letter! "He has rose and conquered the grave". How was I allowing myself to get distracted by a missing vowel in conquered rather than the truth behind what it was saying? Then I started thinking about how FI and I always kind of joke about this one guy who is in the worship band who drives me NUTS, he looks so fake up on stage like he is trying WAY too hard and just putting on a show and it drives me nuts. And I thought to myself, why does it matter? Is HE who this song is about? Does it even matter if ANYONE is up there leading the worship? No...it doesn't. I needed to close my eyes, ignore the showy singer and typos on screen and focus on what was really SUPPOSED to be the focus. I need to putaside myself, who I am, a teacher and a nit-picked, and just focus on God.
Thought I'd share
Re: Putting ourselves aside
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Crazy Love has been in my backpack so I could read it in between classes all year and I haven't read it yet. I really need to get on that... I've heard only good things about it.
Posted by fpaemp2011[/QUOTE]
I haven't heard of that book, but I'll check it out!!
CW Siggy : Favorite Flower
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