November 2012 Weddings

Let's Talk

I'm having a horrible time concentrating lately and TK has been super boring.  Can we talk?  About anything?  Weekend plans, venting, pet peeves, weird quirks, fun stories, anything!
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Re: Let's Talk

  • I trying to enjoy my last week of not working before I start a new job (it also helps me not be nervous).

    I started holiday crafts last night since wedding ones are done and spent the whole morning working stuff and then realized it was 12:30!

    I need to get off my butt and workout!
  • lls31lls31 member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited October 2012
    What holiday crafts are you making?  

    I browsed my recipe board on Pinterest earlier today and decided that I'm going to make a bunch of things over the next few weeks.  I've been slacking with cooking/baking lately.  I'm especially excited to make the copy cat recipe for Chipotle's guacamole.  

    I had my hair highlighted again on Saturday (for the second time ever).  The highlights I had done a few weeks ago were basically nonexistent.  I went with a caramel color and it all turned red.  So I had her go with a lighter color (a dark blonde shade) to see how it worked.  Ugh, it's still getting red!  So I stopped by Ulta last night and found John Frieda's Sheer Blonde shampoo that claims to correct brassiness.  Hopefully that helps.  If not, I give up on highlights.

    P.S.  I think the woman at the checkout thought I was crazy buying the Sheer Blonde shampoo, as I stood there with my super dark brown hair.  LOL
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • I can take a picture. I made ribbon trees out of ribbon and foam cones.

    My hair is so long for me, but I can't cut it till the wedding!
  • I am bored at work, I just want to get out of here and go home.
    My dog has been so nasty towards other dogs. When I walk her, she lunges and starts barking at other dogs, even ones bigger than she is! Typically she has been a scaredy cat but lately, she has developed this fearless attitude towards other dogs. She is nice to people, she barks at them as they approach but then she wags her tail and lets them pet her. I feel like I should be calling Ceasar Milan haha!

    I want to start doing some holiday crafts. I want to make a christmas wreath like the ones I have seen on pinterest, the kind that are all christmas balls. I would post a link but they have pinterest blocked at work.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am bored at work, I just want to get out of here and go home. My dog has been so nasty towards other dogs. When I walk her, she lunges and starts barking at other dogs, even ones bigger than she is! Typically she has been a scaredy cat but lately, she has developed this fearless attitude towards other dogs. She is nice to people, she barks at them as they approach but then she wags her tail and lets them pet her. I feel like I should be calling Ceasar Milan haha! I want to start doing some holiday crafts. I want to make a christmas wreath like the ones I have seen on pinterest, <strong>the kind that are all christmas balls</strong>. I would post a link but they have pinterest blocked at work.
    Posted by christineashley[/QUOTE]

    I made one last year and love it and plan on starting some to give as gifts (since money will be gone after 11.10)
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:46c2f53c-680c-4532-aa96-4cca92890b59Discussion:6db10426-1413-4baa-9777-f64d948b703fPost:2fb2ed83-ec88-4e5d-beaa-1c8b4f5c9785">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Let's Talk : I made one last year and love it and plan on starting some to give as gifts (since money will be gone after 11.10)
    Posted by amymaysa[/QUOTE]

    Was it hard to make?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am bored at work, I just want to get out of here and go home. <strong>My dog has been so nasty towards other dogs. When I walk her, she lunges and starts barking at other dogs, even ones bigger than she is!</strong> Typically she has been a scaredy cat but lately, she has developed this fearless attitude towards other dogs. She is nice to people, she barks at them as they approach but then she wags her tail and lets them pet her. I feel like I should be calling Ceasar Milan haha! I want to start doing some holiday crafts. I want to make a christmas wreath like the ones I have seen on pinterest, the kind that are all christmas balls. I would post a link but they have pinterest blocked at work.
    Posted by christineashley[/QUOTE]

    <div>Leonidas does this!  I don't think he would ever go after another dog, but he needs to stop thinking EVERY territory is HIS!</div>
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am also bored out of my mind at work. I have literally nothing to do and 3 more hours to go. Zzzzz.

    Ive been in a baking mood too so pinterest is taking most of my time! I wish I was crafty so I could make holiday crafts. I am so not crafty.
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:46c2f53c-680c-4532-aa96-4cca92890b59Discussion:6db10426-1413-4baa-9777-f64d948b703fPost:5d38d8e0-c836-4895-9347-88739ba21bed">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Let's Talk : Leonidas does this!  I don't think he would ever go after another dog, but he needs to stop thinking EVERY territory is HIS!
    Posted by lls31[/QUOTE]

    What is funny is that she doesn't really go after them, she lunges and then backs off. I don't get her! She does think she owns the place but still! One time I was walking her and a pit mix was walking by us. His owner and I began talking while Daisee decided to lunge at him! The sweet pit just sat there looking at her like "are you serious?" and when Daisee realized that the pit mix was about 4 times her size, she ran behind me, sat down and began to was pretty funny but sad at the same time haha!
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  • A girl in my office is cleaning out her desk and she is tearing up all the paperwork she is throwing out.  She has been tearing away for over almost 2 hours now.  It is driving me insane.
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am also bored at work but now I only have 1 1/2 more hours to go! I got pretty crafty for Halloween this year! I took the foam cones and made them look like candy corn! It turned out pretty cute. I used orange, white, and yellow yarn to hot glue to the cones. I'd like to do some Christmas stuff as well, but we still have some more wedding stuff to put together and that's all I can seem to think about doing while I sit at work and do NOTHING! Ugh!!! Anyone else feel frustrated knowing that you could be doing wedding stuff instead of sitting at work??
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:46c2f53c-680c-4532-aa96-4cca92890b59Discussion:6db10426-1413-4baa-9777-f64d948b703fPost:095a9d73-daf8-46f3-86cc-1292c25a025f">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]I trying to enjoy my last week of not working before I start a new job (it also helps me not be nervous). I started holiday crafts last night since wedding ones are done and spent the whole morning working stuff and then realized it was 12:30! I need to get off my butt and workout!
    Posted by amymaysa[/QUOTE]

    Eek!  I've been so tied up with a wedding in Nov and a honeymoon I nearly forgot about the to do's for Christmas.  I normally bake Christmas cakes and freeze them in Oct and Nov but that has gone out the window.  Not sure if I will try a batch in November or wait until Dec.  When we get back from our honeymoon we'll have to decorate for Christmas (the inside, lights will be on the outside of the house before we leave!)

    I hear you on the workout regime, ours has been pushed to the wayside a little, or a whole bunch.  Normally we'd do cardio to a certain degree at least 5 days a week, now its more like 2-3. I just don't know where to fit it in.  Then after working all week, combined with hectic schedules, I am exhausted in the nights.  All week I've been asleep by 9 PM versus 10:30
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  • Candy wreaths are easy to make for Christmas and look awesome when they are done. 

    Get a metal hoop at the craft store, I found 6 inch diameter best, anything above that the wreath looks too sparse.  Buy cellophane wrapped candies (peppermints, red,green and white look sweet here).  Then a bunch of curling ribbon.  Cut your ribbon into say, 6 inch lengths, depending on how big you like your curl.  Tie a candy (by the end of the cellophane) in the middle of the ribbon so you have 2 ends of ribbon, then tie it firmly onto the metal wreath. 

    I do several candies like this, then curl the ribbon, then I squish them close together (the closer you squish them, the fuller the wreath looks)

    that is an example of some wreaths.  The pic here shows you the kind I have made before, only mine have some ribbon poking out through from the curls.  Good for hanging or laying on your coffee table for people to have a snack.  They just pull a candy off to eat it and they slide off.

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    My BFP Chart
    || Ovulation Calendar image #1 BFP May 24/2012 - EDD Jan 21/2013 - M/C May 31/2012 #2 BFP Feb 5/2013 - EDD Oct 16/2013
  • Usually I dress up for Halloween, we have a little competition at work, but our wedding is 4 days after Halloween!! It's the last thing on my mind. So, I'm going to use some of the 100 cookie cutters I got from the shower and make some sugar cookies for my co-workers. I love to bake, it calms me.  It's also my last day of work before the wedding, another reason to party!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]Usually I dress up for Halloween, we have a little competition at work, but our wedding is 4 days after Halloween!! It's the last thing on my mind. So, I'm going to use some of the 100 cookie cutters I got from the shower and make some sugar cookies for my co-workers. I love to bake, it calms me.  It's also my last day of work before the wedding, another reason to party!!!
    Posted by carrotop929[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'm kind of bummed about not being able to dress up for Halloween.  We haven't even decorated our condo (which we normally love to do) because we're moving next month and it didn't make sense to get out decorations while we're packing everything else up.  Halloween is my favorite holiday but it's just kind of blah this year.  Oh well, we'll just have a hell of a party on November 2nd instead! </div>
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's Talk</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Let's Talk : Eek!  I've been so tied up with a wedding in Nov and a honeymoon I nearly forgot about the to do's for Christmas.  I normally bake Christmas cakes and freeze them in Oct and Nov but that has gone out the window.  Not sure if I will try a batch in November or wait until Dec.  When we get back from our honeymoon we'll have to decorate for Christmas (the inside, lights will be on the outside of the house before we leave!) I hear you on the workout regime, ours has been pushed to the wayside a little, or a whole bunch.  Normally we'd do cardio to a certain degree at least 5 days a week, now its more like 2-3. I just don't know where to fit it in.  Then after working all week, combined with hectic schedules, I am exhausted in the nights.  All week I've been asleep by 9 PM versus 10:30
    Posted by Miss_2010[/QUOTE]

    I'm only ahead b/c I was laid off a month ago, so I'm ot necessarily happy things are done, just keeping busy.

    We all have a lot going on this year, so if Christmas or Halloween isn't 'the same' as years past, I think it's okay
  • Well, wedding planning has pretty much taken over my life and I did not even dress my kids up this year or do anything Halloween related: we usually decorate the house and attend a few Halloween related events.  But my dauhter is in Boston with my fmil on vacation and with the wedding planning and everything else, I just was not in the mood.  I didn't bother dressing up my younger son.

    I have slacked on grovery shoppin so have not cooked a decent meal in weeks and I LOVE to cook.  We've been eating out a lot but have to cut back now with the budget for the wedding growing and my job pretty much non-existant.

    Next on my mind is Christmas, my favorite time of year and i can't even really focus on that until after the wedding.  I need to get a list together for the kids and then decorate... but again, I can't even really think about it.  We'll see if we can knock out a few things in November but not even sure.... too much other things to do really.
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