I thought this tip might be helpful. Be sure to check your RSVP cards against your escort card/place card/seating chart list. At 2 weddings we've attended recently, we were addressed incorrectly on the invitation (which I understand some people may not realize I didn't change my name) and so I wrote our names correctly on the response card. When we got to the wedding, our names on the escort card were exactly the same as the invitation. So that bugged me.
I also found that my MIL had some minor mispellings on her list when I received the RSVPs back, so I was able to correct those (e.g., double "l" vs. single "l" in a last name). I have to say that we've only been to ONE wedding where both our last names were spelled correctly. (Granted, they're long and Italian with lots of vowels and double letters, but it's just a nice touch when it seems like the couple took the time to make sure they were right.)