1. I have had Taco Bell for breakfast two days in a row - despite the fact that I have 6 lbs to lose yet. 2. I'm seeing the OG BBFF on Saturday. After friend takes off to run her errands I am going to hang with him at his work (at a bar) until I head back to OK. We are both tres excited. 3. It is effing TX/OU or OU/TX weekend (depending on where you live) and I HATE TX/OU WEEKEND MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. Everyone gets all (for the lack of a better expression, and I never use this expression) effing retarded. From Norman, OK to Austin, TX everyone and their mom loses their every loving mind. 4. I'm still really pissed about my birthday and living in this god forsaken place. Honestly, the post you guys made for me was the best thing I got for my birthday. Can I live in the internet? 5. I am grumblecakes of massive proportions. Gah!
Re: Confessions