In July, I attended the worst wedding ever. Idiot ex-friend was one of the groomsmen. He kept trying to talk to me, saying how much he missed me, our conversations, DH and I should come visit, blah, blah, blah. I kept trying to keep it short and sweet.I know everyone at our table except for this one chick. I keep looking at her and so does everyone else, b/c we're all obviously chatting and know each other. Finally someone leans over and says, Hi, I'm X, this is [round table introductions], we all work together while Varuna is Viking's spouse. She says, "Oh, I know all of you. I'm idiot ex-friend's wife". Ah. Since everyone had only met her once, we didn't recognize her. Especially since she had died her hair stringy black and I think put in a weave too.Anyhow, I'm sitting there looking at her and I'm like, Man, she REALLY looks familiar. She sees me looking at her and is like, Do you recognize me yet? I get more confuzzled. She says, Well I used to have red hair and we were in the Model UN group together.BAM! It all comes together who this chick is and why I remember her. Why? B/c ex-friend and I were in Model UN together and she was OBSESSED with him. He referred to her as the "little red headed girl". She also showed up to his first wedding in this spandex skirt, that I am NOT kidding, showed buttcheek. Ex-friend's first wife was PISSED, PISSED, PISSED about it.Fun times. Who said political science students didn't have drama?