I have changed my wedding date a few times because of money. I want to get married to my fiance very very much but it is frustrating to the two of us because of money. We just can't afford an extravagant wedding, nor a budget wedding. I would much rather marry my hunny and have dinner afterwards. I'm at the point I just dont care whos feelings get hurt because I dont want to plan a big deal wedding. But that's just my problem... I CARE!!! I feel so unsure of what I want. I would like a beautiful wedding but I feel like I'm being pressured into a bigger thing. Like I said, Money is a problem. I also have a problem with asking for money for my wedding. I have had certain close people throw in my face that they helped my fiance and me with something and that they gave me money... it just gets messy. I feel like the whole happiness of getting married is being taken away from me.
This was mostly venting but I would like an opinion that is not of a family member or a friend. Please feel free to let me know what you think about my wedding woes.
With Amor