I work as an in-home nanny (as in I go to THEIR home to watch their kids). My boss's house is on a narrow street that curves into a cauldesac. On trash and recycling days, the big trucks can't always get down the street if there are cars parked on the road. So they just don't pick up the trash or recycling.
My boss is out of town and her husband is deployed, so there is nowhere for me to park in their driveway, as both cars are there. I generally park on the street directly in front of the house. Today, the night nanny (for when mommy's out of town) was parked there, so I parked in the driveway of an allegedly unoccupied house across the street. This is where I was told to park by ANOTHER neighbor who chewed me out for parking on the street during trash day. I thought today was the recycling pickup day. I don't live in this city, so I'm not entirely sure. I thought it was just a safe bet to park there.
So here it is, 3:30pm. Both my little girls are napping - both are sick and one is teething, to boot. So naptime is a freakin' Godsend. I have a note posted on the door that says "Please knock - babies sleeping!" An old woman comes and BANGS on the door. I peek through the peephole to see who it is - I don't recognize her. Before I can unlock the door, she rings the doorbell. *facepalm*
I open the door and she says "You need to move your car from my driveway before I have it towed," and then starts walking away. I said "Wait... what? I'm sorry. I was told to park there before..." and she interrupts me and just goes OFF. "It's not your house, you can't park there" blah blah blah. I tried to explain to her that another neighbor told me to park there since the original resident moved out (a much older lady who was moved into a nursing home). Well apparently she will be "home" in half an hour - I'm assuming to visit. At this point, I'm assuming this is the elderly woman's daughter. I know there has been some work going on in the house to get it fixed up to sell.
Well according to this woman, I was told by her AND her painter that I was not to park there... except I've never met her. And I have no idea who her painter is. I've never been told NOT to park there. But she wasn't convinced, apparently, so she spewed some more rudeness before stalking back across the street. I immediately retrieved my purse and keys, and moved my car back to it's usual spot.
Apparently that wasn't enough, because she came BACK out of her house to yell some more about how it's not even trash day, and I can't use that excuse. I said "Look, I don't live here, I don't know," but that wasn't enough. She said "You're just looking for an excuse" and finally I yelled back "And you're just a rude old lady who can't use PMS as an excuse for her horrible attitude!" and I went inside.
I'm fuming. Grr.