Wikitravel is dangerous. I've spent a bunch of time today reading about obscure destinations and checking into potential trips for next year. we were out of town last weekend, and i'm already itching to go somewhere else.
What the most interesting/fun place that you've visited, and what did you enjoy about it?
Re: travel bug
I don't think I can pick a most interesting or fun place. I love them all!
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
We did a lot there. We stayed 6 nights in Sydney and 4 nights in Cairns (Great Barrier Reef area). There's so much to do - tourist spots (Sydney Harbor Bridge, Opera House, etc), tour the rainforests, Blue Mountains, snorkel at the GBR. <<we could have spent two days on snorkeling tours.
This last trip to NYC that I took (the one where I got to meet Busy and Thistletwat) was awesome because we didn't do too many touristy things and just walked around exploring. I also had a lot of alone time to do my own exploring.
One time, old BFF and I took an impromptu road trip to Ohio's "north shore" (Lake Erie) and then went to Detroit and explored. We had so much fun. Road trips were awesome back when gas was only $0.99/gallon... so sad.
Another time, when old BFF and I were in Las Vegas, we rented a car and drove out to Red Rock Canyon. It was beautiful. I'd love to go back some day.
And finally, my favorite days in Paris where when we just wandered through neighborhoods, went to farmers markets, and pretended to be Parisian. (even though I'm sure we stuck out like sore thumbs.)
While I love beach vacations, relaxation and feeling "recharged" - - I also love the adventure of an urban setting, and feeling absolutely exhausted at the end of a trip. If I had my way/money, I'd take a big city trip one week, followed by the beach for a week.