Wedding Woes

5 people cut at DH's work

5 salary people got fired today.  That's 10% of the salary staff having a very unmerry Christmas.

Re: 5 people cut at DH's work

  • Man, that stinks.  Did they know it was maybe coming? 


    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

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  • Word got out that 4 people were getting cut weeks ago.  Two of them I could have guessed in a heartbeat and were close to retirement.  Two don't shock me, but one wasn't even on my radar.  One of the 3 non-retirement aged probably has a good shot at another job, maybe within the company even.  The other 2 are pretty screwed,

  • We got a scary letter from the president saying that stimulus money has run out and everyone needs to do what they can to bring in business.

    I'm wondering if they are going to furlough people in the new year. If they do, I hope they pick Friday, so I can have another day off with H.

    That lucky duck has five classes between two schools and four campuses (campi?) and Friday off.
  • Was early retirement offered to the two closest to retirement? So sad.
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  • No retirement.  They pretty much called each guy in and said "today is your last day.  Pack your things and get out of here."
  • If they weren't doing their jobs properly, no sympathy.  But heck, still sucks.
  • O- they eliminated the positions not necessarily the people .  Close to retirement probably wasn't really accurate, both were over 65.  They also have company and union pensions so they are in pretty good shape.
  • Over 65 seems really close to retirement, I'm sure they aren't hurting.  Weird that they cut positions, I hope this doesn't mean others have to pick up the slack.
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