Wedding Woes

What do you consider dinner time?

Phone rang last night at 5:45.  It's the hospital calling to confirm my preadmission appt for Friday morning.  She says she has a couple of questions and asks if it's a good time.  We were trying to get dinner on the table, but figured a couple questions wouldn't be hard.  Dude, she wanted insurance info, what church I go to, and battled me on a couple of insurance things.  25 mins later we're still on the phone! 

She needs to call my insurance to find out coverage and asks if she can call back tomorrow. I said fine, but not during dinner.  She got all huffy that it wasn't dinner time yet.  6 pm isn't dinner time?  

I know I'm annoyed at life right now, but this is stuff that could wait to Friday.  I'm going to be even MORE irate if she comes back asking for prepayment for the hospital.  They wouldn't have any of this if I just walked in crowning. 

Re: What do you consider dinner time?

  • Sorry 6. I know you're irritated with everything but she had no reason to get huffy with you. Dinner time can be anywhere from 530-10pm in my book. But mostly between 530 and 7.

    Why did she want church info? That's weird. (and please say you attend the local Church of Satan)
  • I think it's standard hospital info in case there is an issue.  She asked about living wills, religious preference and then what church.  She was also asking for emergency contacts and other crap.  It's stuff I've been asked before other hospital stuff, but usually at the preadmission appt.

  • Gotcha. We were asked none of that stuff when I was doing my pre-admit.

    Does BB3 have a name yet?
  • That's BS.  We eat dinner between 6 and 7:30...sometimes later.  My goal is to have dinner on the table before 7.

    Did you ask for someone else to call? 
  • There were other things annoying me about her too.  She was mishearing everything I said (DH's name is not Fred BTW) and she was battling me on things.  She asked for my insurance billing address (on the card they will have Frdiay).  When I said Mi, she told me that wasn't right it should be out of Cleveland.  Lady, it's the only address on the card. Same sort of issue with the phone number.
  • What is it with you and insurance billing people?  Is it an Ohio thing?  I mean, you've had more issues with insurance people being incompetent assholes than anyone else I know.   They must really hate their jobs or something. 
  • MrsC- I ask myself the same question.  To be fair though this was hospital people not insurance.
  • 5-7.  

    That woman was just rude.
  • Don't answer the phone when she calls back.  Seriously - they'll get their info some other way.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: What do you consider dinner time?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Don't answer the phone when she calls back.  Seriously - they'll get their info some other way.
    Posted by AuntFlo[/QUOTE]

    This!  Isn't your OB office connected to/associated with the hospital??  Can't they pester them for your info?  (probably not, actually becuase of HIPAA.)

    But you're going to be in the hospital for a few days.  There should be time to fill out all the necessary information and file the correct insurance paperwork.
  • that woman was rude. she should never have made a comment about what time you eat dinner. she should have given you a number to call her back when it was convenient for you.
  • Thanks for the validation.  I'm so cranky with everyone lately.  I told DH I need to stay home until January and he agreed. 

  • That's BS. I hope they specifically asked your permission whether it was OK to notify the church that you are in the hospital and whether you actually want a visit from the pastor or whatever. I'll bet even money you end up on a list. Not that baby news is a big secret, but geez. 

    I hate HIPAA. They hide behind it when they are lazy asses, but screw it if it gets in the way of something they actually want to do. 

    FWIW, last night we had dinner at 5:00. The boys are always so hungry so early. Before kids, we'd eat around 8. 

  • The wording was something along the lines "do you have a religious affiliation?"  When I said yes she said   "Would you like a church specified?"  If something goes wrong I want the  church notified. 
  • I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago. The car dealership was calling about servicing my car and it was a sales call. It's effing 6 pm and those feckers wanted to sell me an oil change. Leave me alone. I ripped him a new one because I was not in the mood. DS heard me and told me to be nice. Sorry- any time after 5 pm unless you already said you were going to call is not okay.
  • We have dinner between 9 and 10.
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2012
    9 or 10?  I'm the only one up past 9 in our house.
  • we often have dinner at 830p, because it is FAR easier to prepare it and eat after the kid goes to sleep.
  • To answer the question - we average about 7:30 for dinner.
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