Wedding Reception Forum

Guest Book attendant?

Hi Ladies,

So I have my Fi's niece who is 12 yrs. old. She is not in the wedding party as I already put 3 of his niece and 1 of his nephew in the wedding party. I need to find her somerhing to do so she feels like she is a part of the wedding.

Apparently with her coming that's not enough so it was suggested to me by the inlaws to get her to be a guest book attendant. I'm not sure what she really needs to do and i don't think this is necessary. thoughts?

There's also his nephew who is 13. So I made activity books and I was thinking that I can have him hand these out to the other 16 kids that are coming as they pass through the receiving line with their parents. would this work? 

I can't really think of anything else he can do at the reception. My ceremony is in a church and I'm having the groomsmen be the ushers and hand out programs but since there are 5 of them I think that's more than enough. 

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