I know what I want for the ceremony,all white with a snow machine possibly. I am lining the aisles with that cotton fake snow and want branches. Here are some pics. Colrs are white,silver and sapphire blue.Would like to incorporate blue somewhere,just dont know where??
will use smaller ones
actual ceremony site

Here are my CP ideas that I love! We will be using blue uplighting and there are twinkle lights on the trees inside. It is an indoor garden. Flowers are included in our package but if I supply the actual vases,I get more flowers. We will have about 8-9 tables tops. 50 guests. Can I alternate CPs?
CP 1

But using flowers like this and fake snow and a bit bigger(no branches)

CP3(the Xmas balls and snowflakes)

Here is one more inspiration pic I love! I just want sparkle and snowflakes!!