
Downtown Club

Anyone have any input about the downtown club?  i just checked out the website on the behest of fellow knotters and it looks wonderful.  i emailed them to see if i could set up a visit, but i was wondering if any of you have had good/bad experiences there. 

Re: Downtown Club

  • edited December 2011
    My gf got married there and loved it as far as the location, atmosphere, food but the cooridnator there is a BIITTTTCCHHHH!. I highly suggest getting a DOC so you don't have to deal with her directly.
  • edited December 2011
    Page Eaglesfan on Philly Nest -- she got married there.
    Baby Numbers 11.8.10 The Sequel on or around 10.13.12
  • angel33284angel33284 member
    edited December 2011
    Dammit, Kanye! Knock it off.
  • edited December 2011
    I heard great things about the food and it's gorgeous.  I looked there and the lady we met with seemed nice.  It was one of our top choices but decided to go with elsewhere mainly because we'd have to do a Friday night wedding due to costs.  My best friend's boss got married there and said it was amazing.
  • edited December 2011
    I frequently attend work functions there.  The food's good. Personally I'm not a fan of the decor.  I really want to wash those curtains!
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