Wedding Reception Forum

How far is too far?

I'll be planning the wedding from another state and most people will be coming from out of state. I'd like to have the ceremony/reception (same place) at a venue forty minutes from my parents' house, which I consider the base of operations. Is that too far? Should I encourage guests to find a hotel closer to the venue or my hometown?

Re: How far is too far?

  • I guess I'm confused. Is your parents' house the base of operations for your own planning, or are guests expected to be there at some point?

    If it's just where you're going to be getting ready and whatnot, then it makes more sense for you to travel further and to have your guests stay in hotels closer to the location of the wedding. But if that's not the case and guests are going to be at your parents' house and then going to the wedding that seems a little far. 

    If you're having a wedding website, I'd list the distance from the wedding location to whichever hotels you suggest. Let guests decide for themselves if they'd rather be in your hometown or in the town where the wedding is.
  • I would look into getting a room block at a hotel or two near your venue. Unless guests need to be at your parents house for some reason I don't see why that would be a problem. But maybe I need to know more about how their house is the "base of operations"
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