Wedding Reception Forum

Video Game Reception

Looking to gauge how this idea would work for a wedding reception...rather than dancing/magician/comedian/etc as entertainment for the wedding reception, I was thinking of having a tournament hosted throughout the reception using various games for Kinect/Move/and like Kinect sports, Just Dance, American Idol, Trivial pursuit, Mario Kart...the games would be projected onto a large screen for all the guests to see...

A table would choose a representative to compete against another table, until the table with the most points wins some sort of prize...There will be a different representative from each table for each type of representative would have to dance, another representative would have to sing, another would have to do trivia...

First Person Shooters and fighting games are probably too complicated, so I'm keeping the games as simple as possible...

There's going to be a few older people who won't be able to participate, and there should be a separate competition for kids under 10 years old, of which there are less than 15 kids...

What are your thoughts/suggestions?

Re: Video Game Reception

  • I wouldn't enjoy this. I think if you're going to have games they should be optional and people should be allowed to just mingle without having to watch or participate. Also, I have never heard of comedians or magicians at a wedding, maybe you are thinking of a child's birthday party.
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  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2012
    This would be my personal hell and I would honestly leave.  It sounds like a party for awkward teenage boys. Before you say I'm being harsh my husband is an avid X box player that plays about 4 hours a night. I showed him this post and even he said it's a terrible idea for a wedding.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I would leave a party like that really early.  Playing games in a dress and heels in front of a bunch of people isn't exactly my cup of tea.  That kind of thing can make you look really silly, which some people like, but is hell for others.  At a wedding reception, with dancing or not, I expect to mingle with people, eat, and celebrate the new couple.  I do not expect to be made to play video games and watch others do so.
  • i dont like video games at all and i would leave.  dont care if you think im harsh but dressing up and then jumping around like im 12 isnt fun for me. 
  • I think that having video games at a wedding reception is fine, but forcing tables to play against each other is a bad idea.  If people want to play, let them play.  If people want to talk, mingle, chat it up - that's just fine, too!  The goal is not make anyone uncomfortable and forcing a video game tournament would make many uncomfortable.
  • I am not trying to be rude, just honest. This idea sounds horrible. And FWIW, I've never heard of hiring magicians or comedians to entertain at a wedding reception either. You don't need to entertain people. Adults will have a good time eating good food, drinking (if you offer alcohol) and socializing. If you don't want dancing you could still play some background music.

    I don't mind playing the Wii at home with friends but I definitely don't want to do this all dressed up at a wedding reception. I think you will alienate a lot of people and have a lot of people leaving early.

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  • Aside from a few egregious things that are straight up rude (charging guests for dinner, etc.) this is the worst wedding idea I've ever heard. Ever. 

  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Video Game Reception</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aside from a few egregious things that are straight up rude (charging guests for dinner, etc.) this is the worst wedding idea I've ever heard. Ever.  Ever.
    Posted by NOLAbridealmost[/QUOTE]

    I'm not gonna lie- I'd rather pay for my meal then be forced to play video games at a wedding.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry, but the only thing I think that would be worse than being expected to play video games at a wedding is watching others play video games.  Please rethink this idea.
  • emeejeeayenemeejeeayen member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper First Anniversary
    edited August 2012
    My fiance would love this. His friends would love this.

    I would hate it more than anything on the planet. 

    Possibly not more than a magician or a comedian, though? Have you been to weddings where there was a magician or a comedian...? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ugh...I suppose I should leave the party planning to my creative she said...surprise me she said...haha...thanks for helping me to avoid a disaster...
  • Congrats for being a good sport and accepting the truth.  My 17 yo uber geek/nerd (HIS designation) son would love this.  He could do xbox live with his Canadian buddies - i would rather poke my eyeballs out.

    You need good food, booze (if it is in your budget), and music to have a great reception.
  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:f40265d6-e995-414a-b0ec-4b46ce50fd9cPost:3093feac-9809-4796-ae66-14b5bd4400ce">Re: Video Game Reception</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh...I suppose I should leave the party planning to my creative she said...surprise me she said...haha...thanks for helping me to avoid a disaster...
    Posted by rain80sg[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for understanding. Although you will never be able to please everyone you have to do what's right for the majority of your guests.

    DH is a total nerd- he wore Transformers cufflinks and Optimus Prime and Arcee guarded our card box. So you can add touches here and there.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Video Game Reception</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Video Game Reception : Thanks for understanding. Although you will never be able to please everyone you have to do what's right for the majority of your guests. DH is a total nerd-<strong> he wore Transformers cufflinks and Optimus Prime and Arcee guarded our card box. </strong>So you can add touches here and there.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>That is so awesome!  I love touches like that.  When DD got married 3 years ago, I bought my son a Star Wars tie for the wedding.  My new SIL was so bummed that he couldn't wear one to the wedding (DD just didn't go for it and he gave up the fight).</div>
  • I don't think video games are the problem so much as the forced interaction, competition, watching other people play gamest, pressure to do something guests don't want to do.  Dancing can do this, too.  I don't see how being expected to dance (wrangled by the wedding party and harangued by the DJ) is any better than being expected to play video games.  I really wouldn't want either.  The difference, to me, is that while parties might not be meant for dancing, dancing is meant for parties.  Dancing is celebratory, a little silly, and more fun with drinks, cakes, and friends you haven't seen in a while.  Video games can be played anytime for the most part.  It's also much easier to segue away from dancing music if nobody is feeling it, I think, than to abandon the video game contest (or even just a gaming session) without it being so obvious.

    Dancing and video game both have a tendency to separate guests into participant and non-participant groups.  If you're not sold on having a dance party, what if you had dinner/chill music on until later in the evening, and had some inviting seating options for people to otherwise entertain themselves? 

  • i'd be bored to tears.


  • My FI would love this...

    He can never, never know about this because only a handful of our guests would participate.
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