Destination Weddings Discussions

F MIL is driving me nuts

We only have 100 chairs and the wedding planner has already told me that pople can not stand becasue they wil be in the photographers way. So anyway I told MIL to give me her list of people to invite. I know we are not ready to do the invitations but the STD are about o go out and if you get a STD you get and Invite. Anyway she still has not given me her list. I am so afraid some of her family won t be invited because she won t tell me know she wants to be there. Oh well and the other thing she is doing to drive me crazy is she wasts FI and I to sit down and burn a CD of all our favorite songs to be back groung music on the riverboat for our rehersal dinner. I don t want background noice, I think the ocean is enough....
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