Destination Weddings Discussions

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning ladies!!!!Yay!!!!  I got my new car!!!! Goodbye 13 year old rust bucket....hello shiny red Madza 3! Thanks for all the vibes...hope everyone has a great weekend!

Re: Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Congrats on your car Lori!  I want to see pics, I bet it's hot, I love those cars! I am so happy it's Friday, I have Monday off, so two 3-day weekends in a row!  Wohoo!  FI has a football game tonight (he's a coach) so I'm thinking about heading to Michael's to look for wedding stuff...  I'll also prob tidy up the house that way I can enjoy the rest of the weekend!  Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Morning ladies.  I spent all afternoon yesterday cleaning the new house, and I barely got half of it done.  So I'll be heading there after work today to keep going.  I'm just so happy we're finally moving into our own place!
  • Good morning knotties!! Lori - were mazda buddies! I have a cx-7 :-) Well, 3 out of 4 of my bosses are out of town, my co-worker is playing in the company hockey game most of the day, and my 4th boss is in meetings all morning and lunch - so I will be knotting BIGTIME. Sorry in advance for all the posting I will be doing today! I just got done shredding then did a free ab workout from exercise tv... about to go hop in the shower. Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC friday!!!
  • Morning Ladies! Congrats Lori!I just got's my day off, whoo-hoo! Going to run some errands and help MOH make cookies for her son's 2nd birthday party tomorrow, Yeah Bob the Builder theme!
  • Good Morning! Congrats on the car! I hope you girls have a wonderful Friday!
  • Congrats on the new car, Lori, and congrats again on the house, Sara!I think I'll be counting every minute until the end of this crappy work week :)  Hope everyone has a good day!!!
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  • Morning all!  Congrats on the new car Lori!So glad that today is Friday!  Had a very long day yesterday ~ FI and I spent the entire day together out and about....... brunch, shopping, shopping, $1.50 Margarita Happy Hour, shopping, dinner and then more shopping... didn't get home until almost 9 at night.  Now, to get the house in order!Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!!
  • Good Morning!! Our census is down at the hospital so I have an EA on call until 1... cross your fingers that I don't get called in so I can pick Colin up at the airport! Lori- CONGRATS on the car! It is exciting to have a new vehicle! I can't wait to see pictures of the car! Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!
  • *Happy Friday!*Congrats on the new ride, Lori!!!Shelli...if I was anywhere near you, we'd be meeting for those margaritas RIGHT NOW!  Well, I'd have to leave work :::cough cough:::.  I'll probably be a posting-fool today too.  Not much to do and I have too much on my mind to concentrate anyways! Everyone have a great day!
  • YAY!  I loved the Mazda 3.  It rides like a dream!  That's awesome. I'm so happy it's Friday.  And I have no real plans for the weekend, I need to check the weather and then figure out what to work on.  The house, the yard or the wedding.
  • Whoa Whoa Whoa - back the train up ladies!!!Shelli - a whole day of shopping AND $1.50 margaritas??????   What a magical day!!!!  Where is this mysterious margarita heaven?????
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  • Lol shelli, if we had $1.5 margaritas, they would be carrying me out of there :) I probably wouldn't be able to walk, hehe Happy friday! Even though its crappy weather today, i have a birthday party to go to (dancing in a club). Also, i made the birthday girl (a coworker) chocolate mud pies in the morning - hope she likes it!
  • LMAO!Yes, Kelli..... $1.50 Margaritas!!!  There is this Mexican Restaurant (which happens to be a whole 3 minutes away from our place) that has $1.50 Margaritas Tuesdays and Thursdays. Since Brian closes on Tuesday nights and is off on Thursdays, we tend to go have at least ONE Margarita!  LOL!  Needless to say, I usually have just one, (so I can drive home) last night though..... are you ready for this?.... I had THREE!  Yes, three.  Even the bartender was amazed!  :)As far as shopping, OMG... I ♥ Target!  We got 2 sets of luggage (the rolling suitcase w/ a rolling carry on), a George Foreman Grill (I needed a bigger one w/ removable plates), some picture frames, and vases that were all on CLEARANCE!  Woot woot!So, if anyone wants to come down to the Central Valley of California anytime, I'll be more than happy to host a GTG at Las Casuelas for Margaritas!!!!!!!!!  :)Sorry for the post hijack! 
  • Target is definitely the bomb-diggity!!!  I'm bummed tho cuz I was hoping you were going to say it was some chain restaurant that we can find out here in virginia :(  In my dreams - huh?  I guess I should have been more realistic about the so-cal area actually having more margarita options than we do :(  :::back to pouting at my desk and drooling from the thought of margies:::::  Is it bad that it's not even 10 am and I want one?  Tough week....
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  • Morning! You girls sound so energetic for so early in the morning!  It's helping me wake up :) A girlfriend and I are going out for sushi tonight and then to see the Mary Poppins play at The Fox theater.  Sushi is my fave food and that was one of my favorite movies growing up - I'm so excited!  Afterwards we are meeting up with our men for a few drinks.  Hoping this day goes by quickly so the fun can start!Happy Friday!
  • Yay Lori!  I have a red Mazda 3 as well and I LOVE it!  It really does "zoom, zoom, zoom" like the commercials say. :)  Have fun driving it this weekend! My weekend will be pretty laid back.  FI's good friend from grad school is in town so we're going to hang out with her tonight.  I told FI that I'd like to start painting the condo this weekend too, so I'm looking forward to that.  I've lived there since March and the blank white walls are starting to get to me!Have a great weekend ladies! :)
  • Morning Ladies!!! I logged in here later than usual today and was amazed at how many replies were on this post. Everyone sounds like they have so much energy... Can anyone pass some to me??? my allergies are killing me, I feel like crap, and the weather here is ugly.So for today all I have plan is going to the hair salon, and then salsa class tonight... whooo whooo I just love dancing! Then tomorrow FI and I and a cousin with her man are going to NYC to hang out with another  cousin and celebrate FI's b~day weekend.Lori~ Congrats on the car, Sara~ Congrats on the house, Shelli~ I'm going to cali in december you need to tell me where this margaritas place is, Danielle~ did you see the sushi cake I posted a while back for the siggy challenge? I found the pic of it in google if you want to check it out, maybe Shelli will make you one :-))(sorry so long)

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  • I think the only thing that could wake me up right now is a margie :)  I just love tequila!!  Love, Love, Love!  I love it so much that we won't have champagne, we will be toasting with shots :)  Wow, do I sound like an alcoholic? I did my 5th day of exercise in a row yesterday.  Ffi came home from work around 9:15 and was in a mood for a run, I was okay with taking yesterday off, but if he was in the mood I wanted to support him so we took the baby out for a little less than 3 mile run.  Iam so EXHAUSTED!! Ready for the day to be over and the weekend to be started, I really have my fingers crossed I get my ring ;)
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  • Yay Lori! Congrats!! New cars are always so fun! Today I'm going to take my yaris, which three years ago was new :( to the dealorship to pay them lots of money for a two hour service. Then I'm gonna make the 45 minute drive to go get a free pedicure :)
  • I don't even want to hear from anyone else about having a long week.  Try having your wedding and vacation over with and having to go back to work :(  This week was awful for me!  Shelli-I'm about to get on a plane to come for margaritas right now!  I guess since it's only 1, I'll have to settle for lunch instead.
  • YUM- sushi and margaritas all in one post????LOL, the morning post turned out to be quite interesting today.  And now I want a new car...
  • I hope you girls all have a wonderful weekend. I"m stuck working all weekend on third shift, but oh well and least I still have a job, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Drink one for me girls!!!
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