Destination Weddings Discussions

techie help needed! sorry...

can't figure out how to get my picture up. i followed the instructions, made a tiny url off a shutterfly link, posted it within that little string and put it in my sig. but i keep coming up with the x! tried a few weeks ago and then today.. no luck. whats wrong?
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Re: techie help needed! sorry...

  • When you're in shutterfly, make sure you're using the right link. Right-click on the picture, click "properties" and then copy the URL that's listed in the box that pops up. Make sure you copy the whole thing, sometimes you have to scroll down to get all of it. Then go to and put your copied URL into the will pop out a tiny url link for you. Copy that and then use this code in your sig: <*img src="yourtinyurlhere" width="200px"*> Remove the *'s, put in your tinyurl and you should be golden. You can change the size of the pic by changing the number, but I've found that 200-300 works well for siggies.Hopefully that should help. Make sure nothing in your code is bold or italisized. You can email me if you have difficulty. ali_gaines at hotmail dot comI know it's uber-confusing.
  • Yikes, not sure why TK went all crazy. the code is <*img src="tinyurl" width="200px"*>Just make sure to remove the *s.
  • cool. thanks. i think i wasn't using the properties link.. lets see...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • yeahh... got it! thanks!
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