So, I was excited to head to the post office today and get my invitation weighed and buy my postage. I figured my invitation would be $0.45 because it has very little in it. MAN WAS I WRONG!
My invitation has a raffia bow tied around it. That bow (that mother freakin' bow) made my invitation a "package". So instead of $0.45 per invitation it is $1.95 per invitation. I can't believe that a stupid tiny bow could add $1.50 to my postage!
That would put us at around $200+ for postage. There is no freakin' way. So I have my Mom coming over tonight for an emergency "fix our invitations" party. We'll have to untie all the bows, unravel them to make them flat and turn them in to some kind of belly band. Without the bow, the postage goes back down to $0.45.
Then, the lady also told me that I needed to put my return address on the front of the envelope or risk having it delivered back to us. ???? I have been putting return addresses on the back of envelopes forever and never had that problem (including our STDs). She said that the automated machine could send it back to us instead of to the "to" address. Well, I already have our return address on all 92 invitations. I guess we'll have to risk it.
I have so much work to do now . . . and I thought I was almost done with invitations!
172 Invited.

130 Accepted.

42 Declined.

0 Can't find the mailbox.