July 2012 Weddings

Awful H&MU trial PIP WWYD

Sorry guys, I feel like I'm always posting vents or complaints but I really did have an awful time yesterday. :(

I get to my salon and the place is packed. I booked a Friday because my plan was to go out with friends afterwards and test my hair out. Part of the whole thing was my fault, I completely forgot Fridays are busy days at salons. But on the other hand I don't understand why a salon would book my trial knowing Friday is one of their busiest days?! Both my stylist and MUA were swamped with people and they only wanted to get me out of there as quickly as possible. Neither actually listened or paid attention to what I asked for. I waited around forever in between things. I kept telling them to correct things and they were too busy to care and do it right. I was soo pissed.

My eye makeup was fine, though I wanted something a little more interesting going on but whatever, I can be happy with it. My foundation was extremely heavy and was way too many shades too light, according to the MUA this was going to be fixed with bronzer when I complained... but surprisingly bronzer didn't fix it. I asked for rosy/ peachy cheeks and lips. I got this

You see the 3rd lipstick? Barbie pink? That's what I got. I AM TAN!!! Barbie pink hardly looks good on anyone and much less on a person of my skin tone!! How could you F that up? And when I asked him to change it, he was so rushed he didn't even take the lipstick off. He just layered color after color and obviously none of it looked right. I pointed out two colors I wanted several times and he completely ignored me!!! In the end after my continuous NOs he recommended I just wear lip gloss. Right, that must be your expert recommendation since you're too lazy to get it right.

My hair stylist also ignored me completely. She didn't even bother to wash my hair first, she said it takes up too much time for a trial. I asked for this

The first time, I asked her to change because she did a simple bump and half and half... no criss crossed anything. The second time I got this

Granted in the end, she said the day of there would be twists and more detail... but I don't think she quite understood the detail. Here are the other pics

Here you can see a little bit how different the shades are on my face and on actual skin on my shoulders. It was more in person.

Me grimacing the entire time.

Overall the hair wasn't so bad. But it just wasn't what I was going for. I don't feel 100% satisfied with my look and they were so busy, any change or modification I asked for, either they didn't get it or just said "yeah yeah no prob we'll do that the day of." I'm not sure I believe them. Part of me thinks the crappy service was due to how busy they were. But another part of me is afraid they will never really listen to what I want. FI thinks I should go somewhere else and do another trial. But I'm trying sooo hard to not overspend that it hurts thinking about paying yet another trial. I'm planning to go to the same salon Tuesday when they're open and tell them about how unsatisfied I am and all the changes I want... but I'm worried they still won't get it and mess up the day of the wedding.

Btw before I left she took the style out and left my hair down, it was really cute then. This is what my curls looked like 3 hours later.

3 hours later would be when the ceremony starts.....

WWYD? Make them get it right and hope they do? Go somewhere else and pay for another trial?

Re: Awful H&MU trial PIP WWYD

  • Nati05Nati05 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited July 2012
    Oh and also, I'm thinking about changing my hairstyle. I just felt so boring looking at what she had done. Afterwards when my hair was down, I stuck my haircomb in on one side and I really liked how it looked. FI loved it as well.

    I got this pic from someone's pinterest on here. Anyone recognize it? I'd love to get the other angles of her hairstyle... ETA: nvm found it!
  • I like the way your hair looks. I don't think it's too far off from the stock photo you showed the stylist. The only tiny critique I have is, I think the curls need to be defined a bit more. They look a bit haphazard/random from the side views. But, if this isn't the style you're going for, I'd either ask the stylist for another trial (on a day that she isn't running around and trying to push you out the door) or find another stylist and have another trial. So yeah, either way, I'd have a second trial because you aren't happy. If anything, you'll just feel better about it. 

    Anxiously awaiting baby #1! Baby BOY Due: May 30, 2013! Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience like I said on FB.

    That being said, I think you have every right to be pisssed at your MUA.  He didn't listen at all and you're right, the make up doesn't look right.  That shade of lipstick is terrible.

    As for your hair, I think that style looks great if she can do it with more detail.  I agree it looks really flat.  As for it not staying, my guess is that she didn't put all the product in your hair that is normal.  I'm sure it will stay.

    As for that picture I don't know it but one of my friends who recently got married had her hair like that.

    I can ask her for better pics if you'd like just to give you an idea but it's a pretty simple style.
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  • I really think you should talk to the manager of the salon and let them know what happened.  The way they treated you is crappy and you deserve better than that.  If that doesn't seem to work, then I would definitely go somewhere else.
  • Alright so I love your hair comb it is amazing! I could tell a bit that the skin tones were off and you have such a gorgeous skin tone to begin with why did they put heavy makeup on you? I definitely think they should have defined the curls a bit better and it should have been tighter overall. I would definitely go in Tuesday to discuss your issues. Ask if they can recommend a day you come back to do another trial if you still feel like giving them business or just call another salon for another trial. I think either way you should suck it up and pay for a second, if not I have a feeling you'll worry about this constantly between now and the wedding.

  • MadisonpennyMadisonpenny member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited July 2012
    Oh Nati,

    Sorry you had to go through this.  For updo's the stylist prefer you don't wash your hair the day of because it holds better, especially if there's curls.
    I would go to a different stylist.  It shouldn't matter how busy a place is, they should be concentrating on each individual client like they are the only ones in there.  It's up to them to book their time appropriately and not rush through each booking and do a half a$$ job.
    I also have an olive/tan complexion so I know what your talking about with the pink lipstick.
    If you really don't feel comfortable going there, definitely go somewhere else.  It's your wedding day.  Your going to have TONS of pictures taken and those will last beyond just the one day.
    At my trial they made my makeup really heavy as well and I decided I would just do it myself in the end.
    BTW, your really pretty!
    . Anniversary aandt image
  • Nati, I'm so sorry this was such an awful experience.

    I say, 100%, go to a different stylist and have another trial. You're going to be miserable if you don't like your hair and why would you pay to have someone do something you're not satisfied with?

    At first, I didn't want to do a second trial because I was like, ugh, don't want to spend the money. But seriously, it puts you at ease so much when you're able to see it how you WANT it to be. I actually wasn't totally satisfied with my second trial either, but I talked to my stylist and we're on the exact same page about it so I trust her 100%. If you don't trust these people, you're going to be stressed on the morning of your wedding. You don't want that!!!

    Anyway, that all being said, I actually think the style isn't all bad. I just think she missed some of the criss-crossing detail at the top and yeah, the curls need to be more defined. Otherwise, I really do like the style. I wouldn't switch to the swept-to-the-side one because it looks like it would fall out easily.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • First of all, I feel like we did an awesome job voting on your hair comb because it looks BEAUTIFUL!  I actually really love you hair (except for the fact that it didn't stay curled).  Did they hairspray it?  Or add any product before to help the curls stay?  When I was younger (and my hair held no curl), I used to use a shampoo that gave my hair more texture so it would stay curly longer when I had it curled.  Maybe you could look for something like this?  

    I don't think I could handle the salon people not working with me.  I know you don't want to pay for a second trial, but honestly, if they treated you like that when you were paying good money for a trial, I wouldn't trust them on your wedding day.  I would go elsewhere.
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  • I would try a different stylist. I had two different hair and makeup trials. The second hair trial was amazing! I love the stylist, and she totally got what I was asking her to do. For me, it was worth the money. I also think that if you don't click with the stylist, it will be very stressful on the wedding day. 

    As for the makeup, I had two very disappointing and frustrating trials. I felt the same way that you describe: they both did my makeup in the way that they liked, and did not listen to what I wanted. I don't understand why they do that, but I found that going to the department store makeup counters was really helpful to get different advice on foundations, colors, and techniques. I am doing my own makeup with the fancy stuff I bought. 

    Good luck!
  • If I were you and because you were unhappy with both MUA and hairstylist, I would go with someone else completely. Knowing it was your wedding trial and how important it was to you they should have put in more effort to listen to you. Don't wait until you wedding day and hope that it comes out well. How you look and feel will set the mood for your whole day. On my first wedding I took my chances at a salon and while my hair came out okay, my makeup was terrible and I was so upset. I ended up having to take it all off and do it myself! I would make sure you will be happy before your big day comes around.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • *HUGS*  The way the treated you was ridiculous...they are just jealous of your natural beauty...

    So...I say go somewhere else if possible...I don't go back to places that treat me like that...I'm paying 'you' remember??  So, I would definitely be finding somewhere else to do it...Listening skills are key when you're in the human service field =)
  • I agree with the last few posters!  First I would contact the manager and let them know how unhappy you are and tell them that if they cant get you in Tuesday to make things right, at no charge, you will be finding a new salon.  Then I would get some local rec's on a new salon and call and talk to the manager there and let them know what happened at the other salon and see when they can get you in.  If they know what a bad experience you had somewhere else they will work extra hard to make sure you love what they do so that you will switch.  The MUA did a horrible job.  I am very tan as well and sometimes foundation can be tricky to match but if its a professional he should have been able to do it with no problem!  In the pic it looks way to pink for your skin.  Bronzer wont fix that!  He needs to use a foundation that doesnt have a pink undertone (I have the same problem and always need foundations with a golden undertone).  I am so sorry this happened!  I agree 100% with Madison, no matter how busy they are they should have handled your trial differently.  If they cant properly schedule there time the customers should not pay the price!  This would make me extremely nervous about how things would go on my wedding day since Saturdays are also a busy salon day.  
    :)AJ Pregnancy Ticker
  • Nati05Nati05 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary

    Thank you everyone for the sweet words!! All of you make great points. I'm going to call or visit them to let them know how unhappy I am with their service and that I won't be working with them anymore. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who didn't have an amazing trial on the first try! I'm definitely looking into other places. I really don't want to be worried about my look the morning of. So far I have 2 recommendations.. I just hope they're still available!! Thanks again everyone! :)

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