Hello Ladies!!

My wedding is finally only a few weeks away..NYE :) and I have completed all of my DIY projects and have some things left over !! I would love to sell them to a local bride to be!!

I have 3 rose petal sashet bags- 2 pink and 1 gold
$15 for all three

A Crystal Tree $100

2 Manzanita Branches from www.save-on-crafts.com and I got a gold vase from Michaels $7. I cemented the branches into the vase and then I handpainted the branches gold (one of my colors) and added crystals to cover up the concrete part....I have crystals I bought which i strung myself to hang on the tree- I also glued flowers to the branches- they are ivory flowers spread out randomly on the braches. ITS GORGEOUS I LOVE IT !
you can go to the www.crsytalier.com site and learn how to make it- this is exactly how i learned! Its so easy vs. paying for a real one that can run hundreds of $$

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