
What should I do...?

...while I'm stuck home sick all day?So far, I have_x_ eat snacks_x_ take medicine_x_ waste time on the internetand now I'm bored again.On an unrelated note, FI said he would make the save the date cards.  He's finishing school for graphic design and is awesome at designing stuff.  Unfortunately, his "design aesthetic" and mine do not match.  Example 1:FI:  So I'm thinking about putting this Woody Allen quote on the STD.Me: Uh...what? No.FI:  Seriously, it's good.  Me:  Woody Allen, as in neurotic, hooked up with his adopted daughter, Woody Allen?FI: Yeah, so?Me: What does Plan B look like?If I had any design skills at all, I would do them myself.  Unfortunately, my one attempt was a disaster, so I'm at the mercy of his concepts and humor.  However, pre-made cards may be in my future...

Re: What should I do...?

  • edited December 2011
    __ eat more snacksIf it makes you feel any better, I had a similar issue with FI.  He's a very talented designer, but we didn't see eye to eye on the STD design.  I let him have his way on the STD, but the invitations were all mine!! Although, there were no woody allen quotes involved in anything, so maybe it's not quite the same thing :)
    Baby Boxer is coming! 5.23.12
  • edited December 2011
    FI was supposed to do the save-the-date design but never did..... at least he's working on it! 
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