Hi Ladies! I am recently enagged and this is my very first post. (yay!) Im in the process of step 1 of planning... Finding my venue. I live in S. Jersey but am originally from the Philadelphia area. So Im open to venues in either areas. I am interested in a mansion type venue as oppose to the hotels or country club type feel. I just discoverd Elkins Estate online and really love the way the pictures look. And a Friday during off peak season may be in my budget which is no more than $120 per person. But after reading the reviews on their bankruptcy filings, I feel kind of foolish to even still be conidering it. Are there any prides who have recently booked this place in like the last year (post bankruptcy filing) and would like to share their experiences on it? Or are there any suggestions for other Mansion type venues in the greater Philly/ SJ area that are no more than $120 per person. Also my guest list will be around 130.