So we went house hunting here is some info and options.
1. I qualify for 100,000 right now by myself. I can't count J in anything becuase his job is considered tempory. I did look at 130,000 but they said it might be harder to get, but it might be doable. We would do a loan that doesn't have a down payment and is for 30 years on a fix 3.5% interest. We wouldn't have enough for a full downpayment now, and we have 3 months emergeny fund saved up. Most of this would probably be eaten up with closing costs if we bought a house.
2. Rental: There is nothing where I got my job. poop houses that are basically trashed. We can get some nice rentals 1 hr away. Rentals are about $900.00/month. This would mean J can still stay at his temp job. Keep in mind, this temp job doesn't have an ending date. I think they just don't want to pay for benefits and ect. This isn't his dream job, so he is looking at going elsewhere once we gets hired for a job he does like.
3. Sat-we look at 8 houses. 1 is ok. its 115,000. No storage. The only real think would be pull out the carpet in the kitchen. its livable but is not great. Not considered flood zone. House 2 is 145,000. AMAZING storage. We both love love love the house. BUT 1. J would have to quit. 2. its considered in a flood zone (most of the town is) so extra insurance. Its not perfect, but great to move into and fix up or adjust to our tastes later. 3. and the obvious its at the top of our price. 4. it needs new electrical. I seem to be more worried than J on this, which is NOT normal.
So do we rent and I drive 1 hr? or do we get a house that we love with J having no job yet? I read a lot of things online that said I should rent for a year to make sure I like the area. Well Its a small community, so by visiting, I know I like the area. Good schools (since I work in one)

, so waiting a year seems pointless.